“You’re sleeping with the only man I’ve ever loved. I have to watch it happen. I don’t know if we can be friends.”
I sigh. “I know, but maybe I can figure out a way to shield you or block you out when we... well, you know.”
A knock comes at the door. I scarf down the rest of my breakfast and go to answer it. Sure enough, Blossom is on the other side with a huge box in her hands. She looks me over and her cheeks turn pink.
She bows before she speaks. “Oh, you were able to find something. I’m sorry. I couldn’t find anything in your size.”
I look down at the leggings and sports bra I dressed myself in on the way to the door. A grin comes to my lips. I did that so effortlessly.
“Show-off,”Venus grumbles in my head.
“Why can’t you just be a good teacher? I’m going with that.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Why did you bow? And what’s with the box?” I say to Blossom.
“You are mated to King Kendrick. All others will show their respect if we know what’s good for us. This is for you from your mate.”
“Wait, how do you know… you know?”
“As a fairy, I can see the change in your aura. Others will scent it or feel it. It’s a super thing.”
“Scent it?” I lift my arm and sniff at my pit.
Blossom laughs. She begins to tap her finger against her lower lip as if in thought. “Um, how do I explain it? Your scent has changed. You still smell like you, but now you smell like him too. Like you sprayed his scent all over you from head to toe.”
In that case, I must smell pretty freaking awesome. I’m not sure how I feel about others being able to smell him on me. At this point, I’m just rolling with it. I just used magic to feed and clothe myself. I shrug to myself. What the heck?
“Oh. Okay, come in.”
I take the box from her and carry it over to the bed. I spot the mess we left on the sheets and quickly try to make the bed with my magic.
“I can change the linens and make the bed for you,” Blossom offers.
“What’s happening? Why can’t I do it?”I ask Venus.
“You are embarrassed and in your emotions. Our emotions can affect our magic. Relax. You are an adult. I’m sure she has known a man before.”
“But that’s just it. I was a thirty-year-old virgin. That’s just weird nowadays.”
“It’s no one’s business. Not now, not ever. Hold up your head.”
“You did it,” Blossom cheers and claps her hands.
I told her last night that I didn’t know much about my magic or how far my powers could go. My chest swells with pride to be able to do this in front of her.
“I’m proud of you, my little one.”
The sound of Kendrick’s rumbling voice makes me turn to the door. He’s leaning in the doorway, watching me. The way his eyes roll over me from head to toe makes my cheeks heat.
“Venus is helping me,” I whisper.
He makes a face but doesn’t say anything else. Pushing off the doorjamb, he moves to hover over me. Wrapping his arms around my waist, he tugs me close, then leans in to kiss me.