Page 49 of King of Knights

I only allow her to work from home. How does a thirty-year-old woman who knows nothing of the world just vanish?

“I need to think,” I grumble into the phone. “I can’t cancel tonight. I’ll have to come up with something. You’re right. I can’t ask them for help. I’ll figure it out. See you tonight.”

“See you later.”

I hang up and have to keep myself from throwing the phone across the room. However, I don’t because I need it to make my next call. I dial and hold my breath as I wait for the call to be answered.

“Hello, Ricci. It’s been a long time.”

“The girls. I need to know where to find them and what they’ve done with their lives. Have they stayed pure? Can I put them in the game?”

“Give me an hour. I’ll have answers for you.”

“One hour. That’s all you’ve got.”

“You wait thirty years to check in, and you want to rush me? Yeah, whatever.”

The call ends and I’m left seething. Ray better get her ass back home before tonight. My heart tugs when I dare to think something could’ve happened to her.

“Where are you, my little girl?”

A Dress

Iwake and stretch my arms above my head. I have a smile on my face as a delicious soreness screams over every muscle in my body. Memories of Kendrick’s hands on my body cause me to smile more.

I shake away my thoughts and my mind goes to my father. He’s probably red as a tomato at this point. Tonight is my engagement party and he’s probably blown a gasket. I’m sure he’s noticed my absence by now.

I turn on my side, looking for Kendrick. I’m so disappointed when I don’t find him beside me. I pout and reach out to run my hand over the spot where he had lain last night.

“Oh my God, I slept with a demigod. Who’s life is this?”

“Yours, but you really should feed my son. Thank you.”

“Venus? How are you this morning? Are you okay?”

“No. I want to leave, but something is holding me here. He doesn’t want me here and that hurts more than you can understand.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I get that. I can feel it in your heart. Maybe you can help me.”

“How? What do you need?”

“I need to find my sisters. Maybe with your magic, we can figure out how to send me on my way.”

“But I know nothing about using my magic.”

“I know. I wish I had The Book of Paths. The caves have all I need to help you learn. I’m so sorry your rite of passage was stolen from you.

“An enchantress of your power should have had training by now. In my family, you surely would have been marked at birth.”

“I need to find something to wear and then I can feed the kid.”

“I can give you your first lesson in magic. Let me help you dress.”

“Really? What do I need? Candles, a cauldron. Oh, a magic wand?”

“Ray. Please shut up.”