“I also don’t know how far along you are and there will be questions when you start to show.”
“But he’s my father. I can’t just disappear.”
“I will handle Candido. There are things he and I need to discuss. I’m asking you to trust me.”
She searches my eyes. Gods, she’s beautiful. A blush comes to her cheeks.
“Thank you,” she says and ducks her head.
I reach to lift her chin. “You have begun to hear my thoughts?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Good. I want you to know how much you mean to me. It will only grow stronger.”
“It’s crazy, but I think I’m falling in love with you too,” she whispers.
I brush her cheek with my fingertips. “It is not crazy. I longed for you my entire time away from you.”
“The fever, will that happen again?”
“No, not now that we are mated. Although you will feel my presence in other ways.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“I’m an open book to you. Anything you want to know, ask.”
“Did I really see piercings in your penis?” she asks and bites her lip shyly.
I laugh. The sound rumbles through the room. I can’t remember the last time I laughed and smiled so much.
“You did. The piercings hold our power in. Sort of like a harness for it. The more piercings we have, the more powerful we are.”
“But your penis,” she says and shivers.
I chuckle. “It’s a seven-bar Jacob’s ladder. I’m a very powerful being.”
“You didn’t have piercings in the past?”
“No, I didn’t have to hide my power back then. Times have changed. It’s better that not everyone knows just how powerful I am. Hence, the cock piercing.”
“I think I get it. If they count the face piercings, they may think they can take you. However, you have seven more levels of power.”
I peck her hard on the lips. “Exactly. However, now that you are here, I can remove them all or just a few. Being mated balances us out. It’s less like waving a live wire in the air.”
“I don’t know if I want you to remove those,” she says tiredly.
“I will keep that in mind, my little one.”
I look to the door and smile. Turning my gaze back to Ray, I lift a brow. This is good. I want her to feel at home.
“There’s a nervous little earth fairy pacing outside our bedroom. You should go put her out of her misery.” I chuckle.
“Mm,” she hums sleepily. “I love your voice. It vibrates through me. You should do movie trailers or something. You could totally read meThe Lion Kingat night,” she purrs and snuggles into me.
“You are dismissed, Blossom. Ray will see you in the morning.”
“Okay, prez. I’m sorry to bother you.”