He sniffs at the air and smiles. “What do we have here?”
He crowds my space until I’m backed against the wall. I clench my shoes against my chest and look anywhere but at his face.
“You smell delicious. Just the high I’m looking for,” he purrs and pushes a hand through my hair.
“Are you stupid? Run. He’s an incubus.”
“What? A what? Why are you still here?”
“To save your ass apparently. Now get away from him.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, brother.”
The deep voice comes from my left. I turn to find another biker. This one has amber eyes and tanned skin. What stands out most is his bright-red hair. He looks like a younger version of Kendrick.
Glancing down at his vest, I read his patch. He’s the VP. I noted earlier that Kendrick wore a president’s patch.
I startle when the blond before me runs his nose up the side of my face and through my hair. A shiver runs through me, but it’s not a welcome one. Not like when I was in Kendrick’s arms.
“Who is she? I want to taste her, but your brother’s scent is all over her.”
“That’s because she’s his. Back away now before I set you on fire,” the redhead growls.
The blond takes a step back and winks at me. “I can’t wait until he’s done with this one. She smells like a pure high.” He rolls his eyes over my body. “Looks like a great lay as well. Try to hang in there, love. If you can handle a king, I’ll be a cakewalk. You feel me?”
He backs away with a dirty grin on his lips. I narrow my eyes at him. He waves a hand in front of him dramatically and bows.
“Until we meet again. Bradan, a pleasure as always, brother.”
“Stay away from her, Rock. You’ve been warned. Kendrick will give no such warning. He will tear your heart out.”
Rock looks to Bradan, then back to me. He lifts a brow and runs his eyes over me one more time. His eyes glow for a moment and he knits his brows.
“Ah, I see. He should bond with her before every male here loses his mind. Her scent and power are intoxicating. If not, he should lock her away before someone who doesn’t have restraint gets a hold of her. You feel me?”
Rock bows with more respect than flair. “It was nice to meet you, my queen.”
“Come, let me get you back to Kendrick’s quarters. Rock is right. You shouldn’t be roaming around,” Bradan murmurs as he holds his hand out for me to walk before him.
I turn and head for the room I came from, then pause and turn back to face him. I have to tilt my head back to look up at him. He looks at me curiously.
“I am Bradan. Kendrick’s younger brother. There are four of us in total. You will meet the others when they return.
“Come, little sister. It is safer for you in Kendrick’s room,” he says.
“But where am I? I need to get home,” I protest.
“You’re in the Immortal Iron Brothers clubhouse. You’re my brother’s true mate. I don’t believe you will be going home anytime soon.”
“What do you mean? What the heck is a true mate? I know nothing about anything you people have said.
“Can someone drop me off at a mental health clinic? I think I spilled a few screws somewhere along the way.”
He chuckles at me. “Kendrick will love you. You’re funny and adorable. I like you already.”
“Grr. I never met his brothers and here you are a mess and he likes you.”
“Oh, bite me. If a strait jacket will get rid of you, sign me up now.”