Page 116 of King of Knights

Still, I have fared better than my brothers. Our numbers have been depleted. That abomination and his friends surprised us. Although, the girl was the real shock and blow to our numbers.

She wiped out our men with but a word. A single word and she brought the battle to an end. I still can’t believe what I witnessed.

If not for the bishop grabbing me on his way out, I wouldn’t have made it. I bare my teeth in anger. Good men were lost. Only three of my brothers remain. Because they were out on another assignment.

Those we lost answered the call to serve the cause and now they’re gone. Their life force was extended for a purpose, but they won’t see the day when we complete the mission. It is a shame.

“You shouldn’t be out alone at this time of night,” I whisper in the blonde’s ear as I cover her mouth with my hand.

She tries to struggle, but it’s futile. She will not break free and she won’t get away. Her life is needed for a greater cause.

She’s in the right place at the right time to be a part of history. This is an honor. I will do right by her sacrifice.

The unnatural witch will pay. All of them will pay. I won’t stop until they do.

Devastated Mate

I’m so angry with Ray, but I’m also proud of her. My heart hurts for her loss. I might not have liked Ricci, but he meant something to his daughter.

“Is there anything we can do, brother?” Dagger asks.

“Not right now. I will let you know if I need anything,” I say as I carry Ray to our room.

She hasn’t said a word since we left the warehouse. My mate is devastated. I wish I had the power to turn back time for her.

I can hear her blaming herself for this. She thinks she could have saved him if she was faster. Ricci wasn’t up against an ordinary human or a low-level super.

To be honest, I think he got what he deserved. He lured her there for those bastards. There’s no telling what they would have done if I hadn’t gotten there.

Even if she did move faster, this would have been his fate. I was going to kill him myself as soon as the ring was returned. Those hunters and their leader did me a favor.

“We need to go back for his body. I have to bury him properly,” Ray murmurs out of the blue.

“I will have it taken care of.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me.”


“Yes, my love.”

“I’m sorry. He was my dad. I didn’t think he was trying to set me up. I only wanted to have dinner with him and hear him out. I didn’t know,” she sobs.

“I understand. It is done now. You are safe and I know what these hunters look like and what we are up against. Not that you left many of them standing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I believe only the bishop and one other got away. If that was all their men, you diminished their numbers with your attack.”

“What attack?”

I open my mind for her to see what happened through my eyes as I was able to watch it all from above the room. Thus, giving her a bird’s-eye view. While she’s watching for herself, I search her face.

Her lips part and her eyes widen. “Oh,” she breathes and closes her eyes, looking away from me.

“Can we go to my happy place? Please,” she whispers.