Page 101 of King of Knights

Wanting to watch her ass bounce against me, I pull out and turn her over. Seeing her fat pussy glistening back at me, I dive in to eat her from the back. I squeeze her cheeks and spread them open as I feast on her.

Knowing how much she loves it, I reach for her clit and allow an electrical current to run through me. She keens and her legs begin to shake. I take her right to the edge and back off.

As she cries my name, I thrust back into her wet heat. She punches at the ground as she throws her hips back at me. I bite my lip as I watch her ass ripple for me. I’ll never get tired of watching when that happens.

I reach for her hair and tug her head back as I lock my eyes on the sight. My lip is trapped between my teeth as I groan and grunt my way through every hard thrust.

“Fuck yeah,” I breathe as I alternate between slapping her ass cheeks.

She falls forward in a convulsing mess. I follow and continue to fuck this tight little pussy as she gushes all over me. Leaning into her ear, I reach for her hands and lace our fingers together.

“Don’t run now. You should be careful what you ask for, little one. You wanted me to fuck you. Now take it. You feel me? Take all of it,” I breathe in her ear, sending her into another orgasm.

I have hours of this shit in me. I intend to use them all. I will fulfill all her desires and fantasies because that’s my job and my job alone.

Old Text

“What are you reading, love?” I ask as I brush Ray’s hair aside and lean in to kiss her neck.

She’s been lost in this book for hours. She was reading it when I left for my meeting and she’s still reading now. I could feel her concentrating the entire time I was away.

“Look at this. It’s the same book I was telling you about. I can’t help but keep coming back to this passage.”

I look at the text she’s reading and crease my brows. Moving my hands to her shoulders, I massage the tension building there. She sighs, covering one of my hands with hers and leaning her head over it.

“Ray, you are able to read this?” I ask in confusion.

“Yes, what are you trying to say, Kendrick?” she says and turns to glare up at me.

I scoff. “This text is not in your language. This is ancient dialogue from way before the English language. It is so old I don’t know if it can be called a language.”

“But I’ve been reading it for weeks. Look.” She turns the pages to find what she’s looking for. “This is the story of your father and his siblings. You were right.

“What happened to your mother and her kind did start a war. It divided the gods because they were tricked into harming the kings and queens and nearly wiping out a species of one of Tanri’s other creations.

“They warred for years until the accords were formed. To bring peace, your uncle was banished, but in return, your father had to agree not to interfere in your and your brothers’ lives.

“He’s not allowed to aid any of you or step in to change your fates. And look, the accords list you by name. It says Tanri demanded that.” She points to the page so I can read along with her.

“Look, see? Tanri, the alpha god, cannot interfere in the fates of Kendrick, the first son. Bradan, the second son. Ardan, the third son or Reilly, the fourth son. That’s so weird. I wonder why he did that.”

I look down at the worn pages she’s reading. She has a perfect understanding of the text before her. I have never seen this book, but I know how to read the script it’s written in.

“Ugh, but there’s a passage missing,” she mumbles to herself, moving her face closer to the book as if that will help. “It’s faded out. I believe it had more to do with what he sacrificed to lock your uncle away, but I can’t be sure.”

My wheels begin to spin. How has this book made its way into those caves? I don’t even have a text like this one in my library. I knew nothing of the accords.

I can only remember the day we were gifted our swords and the Den of Kings. Three messengers came and told us they had come from the gods’ court. Those three men took us to the caves and offered us a place of rest and the temple to hide our swords.

It had been years since we’d seen our mother or father. Reilly had been the most excited to receive the gifts from our father. I, as the oldest, held too much anger to care. I shake the memory away and focus back on Ray.

“This script was meant only for the gods. You have to have their direct essence to read it,” I murmur as I search her upturned face.

“Well, there’s more. I think it will explain that,” she says excitedly and turns back to the book to flip through a few more pages.

“Here. This is what I found interesting the first time I read this.”

“The first time?”