I palm Ray’s head and tug her into me. Kissing the top of her hair, I close my eyes. If someone cornered her to attack her, I’d lose my mind. I can’t blame my brother for being angry with me.
Prayers & Prey
Sometimes, you just have to take things into your own hands. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing since no one else has shit for brains.
“Forty fucking grand for a fucking lockdown. Fuck outa here. Everyone must think I’m a fucking idiot,” I grumble to myself.
I’m out of forty fucking grand and still don’t have an in into the Immortal Iron Brothers clubhouse. I’ve been burned and I’m setting fires in return.
I started with that motherfucker Lombardo. He wasn’t going to back off, so I backed him off. He’s floating with the fishes along with his son.
Another fifty grand, at least it was well spent and won’t come back to me. A little sit-down with those genies Pauly was going to marry Charlie off to and now I’m here.
I’ve come to church and have an offering to make in order to turn this all around. Who knew those freaks had connections in the house of the Lord?
No wonder I haven’t been to confession in years. I’ll forever look at holy water differently. Wouldn’t trust the stuff to keep a vamp away, that’s for sure.
Heck, I’m questioning this place as I walk in and don’t burst into flames. This week alone has earned me a special place in hell. Having Lombardo whacked, having my own daughter suspended from her job. The list goes on and on.
I’m a bastard. Yeah, whatever. If I didn’t do it, someone else would. I know Pauly sure as hell isn’t going to step his fat ass up. He’s more worried about stuffing calamari into his fat face.
I make the sign of the cross as I make my way to the altar. This place is a ghost town this time of night. I guess that’s why this bishop has asked me to come in at buttfuck o’clock.
As soon as this guy appears, I feel something is off. He’s surrounded by four guys in green hooded robes. I may not have stepped foot into my local parish in a few years, but I know these ain’t no altar boys.
“How you doing, Bishop?” I say as I stop a few feet away from the altar.
The bishop looks at me with cold blue eyes and a dead expression. He rolls his gaze over me and makes a face. The look of disdain gives me the feeling as if he can see all my sins.
I also note that he’s extremely tall and should be playing in the NBA or something instead of saving souls. He can spare me the glare. I’m not here for his or anyone else’s forgiveness. What I need is for my cash to start flowing again and for the feds to get off my back.
“Come,” he says and points toward a kneeling bench in front of him.
I nod and lug the case in my hands over to the bench. Placing the case down beside the bench, I then kneel before him, bowing my head. Suddenly, it feels like cool steel has been placed against the back of my neck.
Clearly, I ain’t about to receive communion or a blessing. Just my fucking luck. I’ve been double-crossed.
“Shit,” I mutter under my breath.
My heart begins to race. Those bastards set me up. This motherfucker is going to take my head.
“You can relax, Mr. Ricci. I only want to have a conversation with you to get some clarification. Our mutual acquaintances have informed me of your dilemma. I think we can strike a beneficial deal for all parties involved.”
“I’d be happy to answer without a sword to my neck,” I say and swallow hard.
He gives a dark laugh. “You mortals. Your fear of death is so pathetic. I guess it’s rational. If he were to press down, this would be the end of your life.
“As it should be. That’s how you were designed. The natural order of things. You know what I don’t like?”
“No, Bishop, what’s that?” I reply as I stare at his feet before me.
“When the order of things is disrupted. If something is made to be one way, why change the intention? Especially if you’re only going to do so for a few and not the whole,” he says as if musing to himself.
“I’m not following you.”
“I’m sure you’re not. Anyway, when the order is broken, correction is needed. This leads to the nasty business of more rules being broken to re-create balance. A thin line to be walked.”
“I’m still not getting your question.”