“I believe we were all sisters in another life.”
“We were,” Lee says matter-of-factly. “You need our help to set our older sister free, don’t you? Venus has always done things her way. She didn’t trust the process.”
“What are you talking about?” Taylor asks.
“We were all to be reincarnated. Each with more power because of our sacrifice. Venus first had to give up her baby and then step through to be reborn,” Lee starts.
“Wait, what? First, I find out I have magic and a demigod mate. Now you’re telling me we were sisters in a past life?” Billy says.
“You were annoying back then too,” Lee mutters.
“Why do you remember all this and we don’t?” Taylor asks.
“I was the only one mated to the guys in the past. It was my connection to Reilly that allowed us to push ourselves forward. I think that’s why I’ve kept the knowledge.”
“What happened? What went wrong?” I ask.
“We were all to rise again like a phoenix. I knew before I let go Venus chose to follow her son. Stubborn butt,” Lee says. “Now she’s stuck. I can help her, but I’d need back into our ancestors’ caves and those were lost to us withThe Book of Paths.”
“Maybe not.” The words are said in a rumbling voice.
I turn to find Aravos. There is something so familiar about the troll. Not for the first time, I’ve gotten a feeling as if I know him.
He walks over and places a large book down on the prep table we’re gathered around. My eyes widen as I recognize it from the one I saw in the past.
“That’s The Book of Paths. How did he get it?”Venus says.
“How did you get it?” I ask.
“Do you know the name of the caves you seek?” he asks.
“No,”Venus answers in my head.
“No,” I say aloud.
“The Halls of Sirens,” Lee answers.
“That is correct. Wisdom teaches us to adapt when faced with adversity. Your bloodline didn’t end with the four of you.
“Not the one responsible for your true power. There were three more. Their instinct for self-preservation opened the door for a lot of things to happen in the future.
“I am but a servant, keeping a sacred item safe and getting it to the right place at the right time,” he says.
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure. You shouldn’t feed that little one after midnight. She could turn into a troll.”
I jump up and toss the bottle down. “Oh my God, I didn’t know,” I say.
“It was a joke. I will make sure to get you ladies copies of my favorite bestiary. You may learn more about your own kind.”
With that, he turns and opens a portal of light to step through. Something tickles my brain as I watch him do so. However, Avionne’s cry shatters the thought just as it starts to form.
“Shall we?” Lee says, placing her hand on the book.
“The caves will open from here?”
“Yes, you all can learn of our heritage and how to tap into your own magic.”