I turn to him and find him staring at me intently. He may be a troll, but he’s earned his patch like all the rest. He wears his Immortal Iron Brothers cut with pride too.
“I feel you, brother. Rock will be informed to enforce the new rule and get the coins out to the captains to make sure they are distributed.”
“Will it be your crest?”
I create the coin in question and flip him the first of its kind. It’s a mix of my crest, but I add a time dial. I’m not sure why. It just feels right as I craft it.
He stands and bows his head. A light portal appears and he walks into it, traveling back to his post. Trolls are solitary beings. We don’t see much of Aravos if we’re not looking to pass through the gate.
Looking around, I shake my head. This place is a mess. I wave a hand and things are back to the way they were, good as new. Crisis averted. I return to my mate and our attic date.
“Hello, sister.”
I rush into the open arms of the woman in front of me. Lee Ann has been in this clubhouse for three days and this is the first time I’m getting to lay eyes on her. Venus bursts into tears as my sister takes me into her embrace.
Without question, this is Yanique. We are both sure of it. She has the same face, same aura, same presence.
“She hasn’t changed a bit. I can feel her power,”Venus sobs.
Lee Ann releases me and looks me in the eyes. She cups my face and smiles. Her gaze drops to my belly and her smile grows wider.
“You did it, sister. You got him here, but you didn’t follow our other instructions. You didn’t let go.”
“I got confused. I tried, but my heart was so heavy. When it was time to step through, I got confused and couldn’t leave,” Venus pushes through to say.
Lee Ann sighs and palms my belly. “We will make it right. He is here. That’s all that matters.”
She then palms my cheek. I push Venus back and take back over. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Ray.”
“It’s nice to meet you too. Should I call you Lee Ann or Yanique.”
“You can call me anything but Charlie. I hate that name. Our father.” She pauses to roll her eyes. “He was a piece of work, picking those dumb boy names. I changed my name as soon as I got a chance,” she grumbles.
“How is it you still remember so much?” I say as Venus asks the same question in my head.
“There is something greater at work here. It will take time for me to explain. I think it’s more important to get you up to speed on your magic and to get Taylor and Billy to tap into their new potential.
“We are all greater forms of our old selves now. The sooner you all remember your gifts, the sooner we’ll be ready,” she says.
“Ready for what?”
“For what’s coming.”
I go to ask more questions, but Reilly comes and whispers something in Lee Ann’s ear. She looks up at him lovingly and nods as he laces his fingers with hers.
Without another word, she follows after him as he tugs her away. I sigh and rub my belly. I have so many unanswered questions.
However, from the look on Reilly’s face, I still won’t be getting those answers anytime soon. Pushing down my disappointment, I turn to find Blossom. She keeps me company when Kendrick is too busy with club business and my sisters aren’t around.
Suddenly, my head begins to hurt. Instead of looking for Blossom, I turn to head back to my bedroom. It might be time to take a nap.
* * *
“I feellike you’ve been giving me the runaround,” Lombardo growls into the line.