Page 71 of King of Knights


I haven’t beenable to stop smiling. This date has been so romantic. I’ve been fed a delicious lunch and then Kendrick fed me some grapes and pineapples.

I could take a nap right now and life would be perfect. I’m sure he has read my thoughts when he pulls me into him and wraps me in his arms.

“There’s no rush. Sleep for as long as you like,” he says into my hair.

“Will you tell me a story?”

“What would you like to hear?”

“Whatever you want. I just want to hear your voice.”

He’s silent for a moment as he thinks. I smile as he settles in his thoughts on what he wants to tell. Intrigued, I settle in for this one.

“I will tell you how I came to be and how I came to know your father.”

“I would like that very much,” I yawn.

“Humans were the last beings to be created. It all began with my father, Tanri. He is the alpha god. The one we all come from. He gave essence to create what he called his siblings. Then, they all created creatures of their own. Most supers come from them.”

“Wait, your father is the original god? I didn’t realize that.”

“He is. His first creations after his siblings were my mother’s kind. He made them after himself and called them kings and queens.

“They were meant to be immortal and as powerful as him. The only difference was that they couldn’t create from the ethereal essence at will and they couldn’t change forms as he and the gods could.”

“Change form? Can you explain?” I ask.

“You have seen my other form. My brothers and I are able to take that form because of our father. My mother’s kind cannot. They are larger and very powerful, but they can’t wield the same transformation we can.

“So they can’t do the knight thing you do, right?”

“Exactly. We all have a release level that brings us closer to gods than kings and queens or warlocks and witches, as my mother’s people were reduced to.”

“What happened? How did they lose their immortality?”

“My father loved his creations. They were his pride and joy, but my mother, Habun, captured his heart. He favored her above everything.

“My father could sense the others were becoming jealous, so he hid my mother away. I was born and then Bradan and Ardan. His siblings found out about us when Reilly was born. The nature of his powers grabbed their attention.

“My father wouldn’t allow them to change or harm us, but they did punish our mother’s people. They were cursed to become mortal and the mate bond was forced on them.

“One of my uncles was enraged because his affections weren’t returned. When he learned of us, he led the charge so he could punish that king for his unrequited love.

“However, the worst part of it all is the part every king and queen has hated. Humans with knowledge of us can hunt us down and bond us to servitude as long as we aren’t mated.

“There have been legends and rumors that my father stepped in to lessen the terms of the punishment, but I don’t know how much of that is true.”

“What happened to your mother?”

“Tanri wouldn’t allow her to be punished, not even for a single second. He made her a god. She sits in his court.

“My brothers and I weren’t given the same grace. I have never known why. Tanri has all but forgotten us,” he says bitterly.

“Okay, I think I’m following, but how did that lead you to my dad?”

He kisses the top of my head and places his palm against my belly. I love the warmth he gives off. My body sags further into him.