“No, I can get him back. He just needs to rest. We wanted to let you all know what’s going on. Is there anything he needs to know?”
“Yes, Ray was attacked by the hunters. She is fine, but Candido Ricci is dead.”
Taylor’s eyes fill with tears and her lips begin to tremble. My heart aches for her as well. I guess Ray isn’t the only one who will be hurt by this.
“My father is gone?” she says softly.
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Who did it?”
I don’t miss the fire that comes to her eyes. She, too, is getting stronger. It makes sense. To be Bradan’s mate, she would have to be.
“It was the hunter’s leader.”
She nods silently. I go to ask if she will be okay, but my attention is pulled as Ardan appears. His expression draws my attention.
“It was a trap. The stone is gone. It was stolen during the first attack,” Ardan rushes out.
“What?” Reilly and I snarl at the same time.
“This has not been Kenji. It was a fake. One of Father’s tricksters has been in his place. I’m on my way back. We have to protect the last stone,” Ardan replies.
I sit back in my seat, and the wheels begin to turn. We are missing something. Our focus has been clouded by our mates. Ray’s appearance and Venus being trapped inside her with my son took my attention in the beginning.
Then, the others started to erupt into chaos. After that, Bradan found his mate, but he’s been distracted by his rage and wanting to punish Seraphina. Ardan was focused on Billy until his stone was threatened.
Then Lee Ann appeared, and Reilly’s stone was stolen. He had to turn his attention elsewhere. What if we’ve been overlooking what’s right in our faces?
All of this started with the appearance of Ray. The hunter’s leader wanted to see into Ray’s thoughts. It’s a gift we kings have.
It’s how I fell into Ray’s past life. He knows something and believes Ray knows something as well. I think of the prophecy and grin.
“Come home, but we don’t need to guard the stone. I will take care of it,” I say.
“But Kendrick. They will have all the stones and they can release our uncle. We can’t allow that to happen,” Ardan says.
“Have you ever asked yourselves why our father left something so important with us? Why not keep them in his kingdom under his protection? Why entrust them to us?”
“Because he had plans,” Reilly says.
“Bingo. Trust me. I believe everything is going as our father wants. I’m only going to do my part. Come home.”
“But our father is the one who has been fooling me for months,” Ardan says, seething.
“Exactly, little brother. Not the hunters, our father,” I reply.
Recognition fills Ardan’s eyes. He nods. “I will see to Kenji and come home immediately.”
“I’m on my way as well. Lee Ann wants to see that text in person. How is Ray holding up?”
“Holding up? What happened to Ray?” Ardan asks.
“She was attacked by the hunters and her father was murdered,” I reply.
I note that Taylor has left the meeting. I hope she will be okay. I can’t imagine how this has made her feel.
“She’s resting,” I say to Reilly. “Physically, she’s fine. Mentally and emotionally, she will need some time. She tried to save him but was too late.”