Page 93 of The Hallows Queen

When he’s done, he lets them slide between his lips again, and he grins at me, nodding his head to his messy abs. “You gonna get down here and clean this up for me?”

Sliding to the ground, I lick over his thighs and stomach until all his cum is cleaned off, then I swallow it down and grab his hand. I lick that clean too, savoring the salty taste of his release while he watches me from above. His hand wraps around my jaw when I’m done, and he smiles at me. “You’re so good to me.”

I turn my head and kiss his hand, then I stand up. “Now get ready, we’re going to be late.”

* * *

We getto Hayden’s cousin’s tattoo shop a half hour late, and figure we might as well stand outside and smoke a cigarette before we go in – we’re late anyways, right?

When we’re halfway through our smokes, the front door for the tattoo shop opens, and a guy walks out. He’s a carbon copy of Hayden, all dark hair and tattoos, except his eyes are lighter and he has an extra fifty pounds of muscle.

“Hey, bitch boy,” the guy yells. “You think I’m just gonna sit around and wait for you? I have other shit to do today.”

Hayden laughs, walking over and embracing the guy. “Sorry, Trav. Figured I’d have a cigarette before you torture me.”

When they pull away from each other, Hayden holds a hand toward me and I grab it. “This is Penelope.”

I smile, and his cousin extends a hand. “Hey, nice to meet you, Penelope. I’m Travis Monroe.”

I shake his hand, smiling as nerves take over my body, making it impossible to think of something to say in response.

“You gonna get a tattoo today, too?” Travis asks me, and I laugh, waving him off.

“Oh, no. I’m just here for support.”

“Well, c’mon then. Liv is inside. You can hang out with her while I make your boy bleed.” Travis laughs, slapping Hayden on the shoulder.

I’ve never seen Hayden light up so much; the smile on his face is something I don’t recognize. Sure, he’s happy as hell when we’re together, but this is different. It’s similar to the look I get when I’m with my parents sometimes, a different type of happy that just feels complete.

I slide my fingers between his as Travis leads us inside, then I follow them into a room in the back. There’s a dark-haired girl sitting on the couch in the corner, a pair of Beats over her ears while she scribbles something in a notebook. When she sees us come in, she jumps up, pulling the headphones off.

“Hayden!” she greets my boyfriend, grabbing him for a hug. “Good to see you back in the 2-1-2!”

He chuckles, pulling from her embrace. “Good to see you, Liv.”

“Pretty girl,” Travis says, holding a hand out for her. “This is Hayden’s girlfriend, Penelope.”

“Girlfriend?!” the girl says, her green eyes going wide as she looks at Hayden. “You?A girlfriend?!”

We all laugh, and the girl steps toward me to give me a hug. “I feel like I’m meeting a famous person.”

When she pulls back, she smiles at me. “I’m Olivia.”

She’s gorgeous, even without a spot of makeup on her face. Her long dark hair is wrapped into a bun on top of her head, and she’s wearing a dark dress that hangs just above her knees. “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia.”

“Alright,” Travis says as he walks over to his desk. “What’re we doing today, Hayden?”

“C’mon,” Olivia says as Hayden walks away too. “Let’s sit down. They’ll be busy for a while.”

* * *

Three hours later,the sound of Travis’s tattoo gun is starting to annoy me.

Olivia is doing something in her notebook, and Hayden is face down on the table while Travis inks his lower back. I’ve gone through a half dozen cigarettes already, scrolled every social media app known to man, and bitten my nails to shit.

“How much longer do you think they’ll be doing this?” I whisper to Olivia, who laughs under her breath.

“Last time Hayden came to town, they tattooed for two days straight.” She holds up her notebook. “I try to keep myself busy when I come to work with Travis.”