“Oooh,” she says, taking a bite of her food. When she’s chewed and swallowed, she gives me a smile. “You’ll be okay. Just don’t turn your back on them.”
There’s humor in her light eyes, so I laugh. “Good tip.”
She wipes her hands on a napkin and stands up, extending a hand to me. “Lucy.”
I take three steps to put my hand in hers and shake. “Penelope.”
She smiles, releases my hand, and sits back down to continue eating her breakfast. “Welcome to Luxington High, Penelope. What’re you teaching?”
“I’m Mrs. Justice’s aide.”
“Oh shit.” She almost chokes on her bite. “How’d you get stuck with that old witch?”
I laugh. “Glad to hear she’s a bright and shining treasure to everyone. I was starting to think it was personal.”
“No, no,” Lucy says, grinning as she uses the side of her fork to cut her pancakes. “She’s rotten. Why do you think she’s getting the boot?”
“Retirement?” I question, my tone hesitant.
“Code for she pissed off too many board members,” Lucy says, lifting a brow.
“Yikes.” I walk back to the coffeemaker and grab my finished macchiato, then head for the door. “Good to meet you, Lucy.”
“I’ll be here for lunch if you want to join. Good luck on your first day.”
I nod, giving her a thankful smile. “Thank you.”
I step back out into the hallway, which is busier now that it’s getting closer to school starting. I make sure to pay attention to where I’m walking so I don’t bump into anyone and spill my coffee.
Seeing all these students brings back memories of my own time in high school, which seems like twenty years ago, but also like it was only yesterday. Luxington seems more relaxed than my private school, but it still doesn’t give the normal high school vibe. The interior of the school alone is immaculate, everything clean and modernized. The entire hall is a crisp shade of cream, except for the lockers that sit in the walls, which are the perfect contrast in black.
I find a pair of dark eyes outside my classroom door, the man belonging to them leaning against the wall carelessly, with a smirk curling his plump lips.
My stomach falls to my ass, and when he realizes I’ve spotted him, his expression screams mischief.
Dressed in a plain black t-shirt and skinny brown chinos that hug the muscles of his thighs, he’s a walking statue chiseled from marble. His tattooed arms are crossed over his chest, and his black hair is styled perfectly on top of his head.
I lick my lips as I approach him. “What are you doing here?”
His eyes twinkle with humor. “That’s the greeting I get?”
I want to smack the perfect smirk from his face, but I also want to choke him with my thighs.
“Hayden, why are you here?” I question, smiling so no one around us can tell I’m about to beat him to death.
“You don’t sound very happy to see me.” Hayden laughs. “Have I done something to offend you, Miss Leyton?”
I look around, noticing there’s an alcove by one of the windows that’s free of students. I jerk my head toward it, then start walking, hoping he’s gathered to follow me.
I turn around once I’m at the window, happy to find he’s behind me. His dark eyes are boring into mine, making my stomach turn to liquid.
“What are you doing here?” I ask again, keeping my voice low.
“It’s a long story,” he says, his face still painted with amusement.
“So,” I continue, growing impatient. “Tell me.”
He presses his lips together, fighting a smile. A moment passes between us, the only noise the hustle and bustle of the hall around us.