Page 133 of The Hallows Queen

It feels like things might actually fall into place – and this time, if she gives me a second chance, I’m not going to fuck it up.

* * *

I get boredaround 3 and head for Penelope’s restaurant, hoping she’s working.

When I walk in, a small teenage girl greets me, and I request a table for one. After she’s led me across the restaurant and left me at a table with a menu, I pull my laptop from my briefcase and open it in front of me. I have tons of emails, and if I’m going to sit here and stalk my ex-girlfriend, I might as well get some work done myself.

By the time a waitress comes by my table, I’ve responded to three emails and planned a meeting for next week with Levi. It’s time he takes more responsibility at work, and having my mind elsewhere right now is a great time for him to start. It was never my intention to bring Levi to Monroe Financials with me, but he did really well in college – getting better grades than me and Carson – so when he showed interest in stepping into high-end business, I invited him to join me.

It's been a learning lesson, having my best friend work for me, and it hasn’t been easy since we’ve been living together for the last four years as well. I never expected to settle down with anyone, though, so it wasn’t a burden. If things work out the way I’m hoping they do, it’ll be easier if Levi isn’t living with me.

My plan was to leave Levi in the L.A. office, depending on how he performed this year, and I would move to New York and run that office. Now that Penelope is back in the picture, everything seems up in the air. I don’t know where she’s going to want to settle down. Maybe I’ll end up following her somewhere that her dreams take her.

Even if she wants to move to fucking Timbuktu, I’ll follow her. I’d follow her to the ends of the earth.

“What are you doing here?”

Penelope’s voice pulls my attention from my computer screen, and I smile at her.

“I wanted to see you.”

“Hayden,” she says, putting a hand on the table. “I’m working.”

I point to my computer. “Me too.”

She laughs, and I love the sound of it. “Order some food. Don’t just sit here like a fucking weirdo.”

Snorting, I shake my head. “What time are you off? Can we get dinner?”

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” she starts, her eyes wild, “but you’re givingstalkervibes.”

“What’s new?” I grin.

She sighs. “Go back to California, Hayden. Stop interrupting my life for kicks.”

Shaking my head, I look at my computer screen to avoid showing her that her words hurt, and she walks away before I can think of anything to say. My waitress comes back to the table, and asks if I’m ready to order, and I’m so frazzled that I just point to something random on the menu to get her to leave me alone.

Pulling up the DoorDash app on my phone, I find a flower shop and order a dozen roses to be delivered to the restaurant and leave a note for Penelope. Packing up my stuff, I throw a few hundreds on the table and stand up, walking from the restaurant before anyone notices. I need some fucking space to figure this shit out.

* * *

After pacingmy hotel room for an hour, doing a quick yoga session, and taking a boiling hot shower, I’ve decided to go back to California to distract myself with work. This isn’t the end; I just need to give myself some space from Luxington to figure out what to do. There isn’t one single part of me that can give up on Penelope. She’s embedded in my soul, under my skin, and right at the center of my heart. There isn’t a moment where I feel like walking away for good is an answer.

Before I head to the airport, I settle down on the balcony and call Logan for some insight.

“Hey,” she answers on the second ring.

“You have a minute?”

“Sure, just sitting in the hotel while Carson is at practice,” she says. “Everything okay? Where are you?”

“About to head for the airport.” I sigh. “I tried, Lo, I really fucking tried. But I don’t know how to get through to her. How am I supposed to win someone back whose life I ruined?”

Logan snorts. “Don’t act like that’s all you did for her, Hayden – give yourself a little credit. She loved you for a reason, so you just need to remind her of that reason.”

“Itried,” I growl. “I told her she was the center of my fucking universe, that I loved her, needed her. I spilled my fucking guts. I showed her every goddamn thing inside of me.”

“It’s not about words, dude. Your actions say a lot more. Did youshowher that you’ve grown the fuck up, or did you just try to convince her in that raspy, ‘fuck me’ voice? Because that isn’t enough. You’re not going to get through to her with words that might possibly be lies. She doesn’t know if she can believe you. If you really want this, Hayden, and I meanreallywant it – not just because you want to get your dick wet – then you’re going to have to do stuff that proves you aren’t full of shit. But don’t put her through this if you don’t mean it.”