Page 128 of The Hallows Queen

“Are you okay?”

I nod, wiping the back of my hand under my nose. “Yeah.”

“What do you need?” she asks in a gentle tone, her bright eyes finding mine. “What can I do?”

Shaking my head, my breath quakes as I blow it out. “I don’t know.”

She nods. “When my dad died, I felt like I needed to let it all stay inside, and I promise it isn’t the way to do it, H. Feel the whole thing, or it’s going to haunt you. I’ll be here every step of the way, okay?”

“Will you?” I ask, tipping my head. “Because what I gathered from our conversation is that you want nothing to do with me.”

“Don’t do that,” she breathes. “You know I care about you, and I want to help in any way I can.”

I clear my throat, pulling my phone from my pocket. “I need to make some calls.”

“Okay. I’ll be sitting over there if you need anything.”

When she’s walked back to the seat she was sitting in before, I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Logan’s phone number.

“Hey,” she answers, sounding like she’s in a tunnel.

“My dad died,” I tell her quietly, tucking myself against the wall.

“Oh, fuck. Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I say, but stop when I choke on the word. My throat is swelling with emotion again, tears filling my eyes. Turning my body so I’m facing away from where Penelope is sitting, I close my eyes and feel the tears fall down my cheeks.

“Hayden,” Logan says. “It’s okay to be sad about this. It doesn’t make you weak.”

“Where are you?” I ask, changing the subject and clearing my throat.

“I’m on a plane heading to Philly,” she says, then pauses. “Do you need me to come to North Carolina?”

“No,” I say. “I’m going to have him cremated, and then hop a flight home.”

“No funeral?” she asks.

“No, I don’t want to deal. I just want to get the fuck out of Luxington, Lo.” I sigh, rubbing my jaw. “This place is just a cesspool of trauma.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yeah.” I shake my head. “It hasn’t been the best trip.”

“What else happened?” I can hear Carson talking to someone in the background.

Laughing humorlessly, I run my hand down my face. “I ran into Penelope – who’s engaged, by the way – and I poured my soul out to her. She said no.”

“Oh, Hayden. I thought you weren’t thinking about her anymore?”

“I ran into her, and it all just came rushing back,” I say, then Dr. Michaela is tapping on my shoulder, pulling my attention. “Let me call you back, Lo, the doctor is here. Have a safe flight.”

I hang up before she can respond and turn to face the doctor.

“I have the registrar coming to meet with you, as well as the representative for the funeral home that we partner with here. If there’s someone specific you want to deal with, you’re welcome to have them come here as well,” she says, and when I nod, she continues. “The hospital has a few papers for you to sign as well, since you’re his next of kin. Just release forms and insurance stuff. But this shouldn’t take too long. We would hate to burden you with too much when you’re grieving.”

Nodding again, I thank her, then she leads me down the hall to a conference room, where I’ll be meeting with everyone she’s gathered for me. When I’m seated at the table, and she’s closed me in the room by myself, I pull out my phone and call Serena.

She answers on the third thing. “Yes?”