* * *
I sit in the teachers’lounge with tears running down my face for a half hour before anyone comes looking for me. I’m surprised to see Barbara walk through the door and close it softly behind her. I thought my first visit would be from Headmistress Rothchild.
Barbara moves across the space silently, pulls out a chair at the table I’m sitting at, then sits down, crossing her legs. I watch her, and she sighs.
“Penelope…” she starts, then she presses her lips together in thought.
“I met him before school started,” I blurt, going on defense, and she shakes her head at me. “He’s eighteen,” I add, swallowing over the lump in my throat as I brush the tears from my face.
Silence washes over us again, and my body turns ice cold. After a moment, Barbara reaches across the table and grabs my hand. “None of that matters, Penelope.”
More tears flow from my eyes, and I nod. “I know.”
She sighs again. “I believed in you; I think that’s the hardest part for me to wrap my mind around. I really thought this was a good fit for you.”
“Itis,” I croak, tears sliding down my face and off my jaw. “I made a mistake.”
She shakes her head again. “Oh, honey. Someone who’s right for this job would have cut it off on the first day.”
I wipe the back of my hand across my face, my next words slipping past my lips in a whisper. “I love him.”
She squeezes my hand, then we sit in silence, and she listens to me cry while stroking her thumb over my hand.
Who would have guessed that Barbara Justice would end up being my closest friend in Luxington? After shutting out everyone in my life as I became consumed in my relationship with Hayden, it’s strange but comforting that I just finally spoke about this with someone.
* * *
After ten minutes,Barbara stands and holds a hand out for me. “It’s time to see the headmistress, Penelope. Do you want me to come with you?”
I shake my head, and she drops her hand. “I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll walk you there,” she says, smiling softly, and I meet her gaze. She looks so disappointed, but there’s something else behind her eyes – like she genuinely cares for me and how this all turns out. She feels like a mother figure now, like she stepped out of one pair of shoes and into another when I needed it most. Since I haven’t been able to tell my parents about Hayden, I’m glad Barbara is here.
She walks by my side on the way to the office, and when we reach the headmistress’s door, we hear a man yelling from the other side.
“You will not be expelling my son. I will get him the help he needs, then he will return, or you can kiss my donations goodbye!”
I look at Barbara, and she rolls her eyes as she whispers to me. “James Monroe.”
His voice booms out again.“My son will not be punished for the behavior of a predatory teacher! You should have done a better job protecting him. He may never have started using drugs and alcohol if it weren’t for this woman!”
A chill runs through me, and my stomach turns sour.
Barbara sighs before leading me to the bench just outside the headmistress’s door.
“You don’t have to sit here with me. Go back to class, Barbara,” I say, patting her on the hand.
She nods. “I did leave the students there by themselves.”
I chuckle. “Go. Give them the test.”
“Come and see me after your meeting, okay?”
“I will.”
She gives me a hopeful smile as she stands up, and I watch her walk away until I can’t see her anymore. Exhaling heavily, I rub my hands over my face to wipe away any leftover tears. I straighten my outfit afterwards, then sit up with my shoulders back to maintain the façade of composure I’m going to need to get through this meeting.
The door for the headmistress’s office opens, and James Monroe’s voice becomes clearer. “I’m glad we could come to an agreement, Headmistress. Hayden will be back in a few months. Please watch out for my check in the mail after I’ve returned to New York.”