Page 103 of The Hallows Queen

“You’ll regret this when you’re living on the streets without a penny to your name,” he sneers.

My chest heaves as I stare up at him in silence for a few breaths, then I stand up and brush my hands down the front of my pants. Sidestepping him, I stalk across the room and pick up my bag, then head for the front door.

Grabbing the keys for my Maserati, I slam the door behind me.

* * *

I getacross town and into Franklin in thirty minutes, pick up two grams of coke and a large baggie of pills, then I hit a liquor store to buy a handle of Jack with the credit card I’m sure will be shut off by morning.

Sitting in my car in the parking lot, I swallow down five Xanax bars and chase them with a shot of the Jack, then I put my car into drive and speed back to Luxington before I get too fucked up to drive.

I’m banging on Carson’s front door a half hour later.

His mom answers, and I try to mask my state so she doesn’t worry. She’s been more of a parent to me than anyone, and I don’t need her freaking out.

“Mrs. Briar.” I smile, swinging my bag at my side. “Think I could camp out in your guest room for a few days?”

“Of course, Hayden.” Her brows furrow. “Is everything okay?”

I wave her off. “Ah, you know. Dad’s in town. Just don’t want to deal with him. He’ll be back in New York before we know it.”

She nods, aware of my situation at home, and steps to the side. “I think Carson and Logan are watching a movie if you want to join them.”

“I’m just going to go to bed, no need to bother them.” I walk to the stairs. “Thanks, again.”

“Let me know if you need anything, Hayden,” she says, watching me as I take the stairs two at a time, racing toward the solace of the guest room so I can break down in private.



Monday morning feelslike it could be a fresh start, but I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because normalcy resumes after a weekend that felt a month long – coffee, shower, dress, makeup, drive to work, listen to Barbara complain about having to be here, get a lesson ready, welcome our first class of students.

I haven’t heard from Hayden this morning, but it isn’t particularly odd. He has breakfast with his friends some mornings, so I don’t worry.

But like every disaster that starts as a normal day, my chest feels heavy and there’s something twisting in my gut that just won’t go away, like something just doesn’t feelright.

I throw myself into my first classes, hoping it’s just the weight of the weekend still looming over me, the vivid images of Hayden hugging the toilet bowl, crying on the floor, and swaying his way down the sidewalk in New York on a constant repeat in my head.

I excuse myself to the bathroom when the bells rings to signal the end of second period, using the small frame of time we have between classes to splash some water on my face and reset my mind. Hustling back to my classroom before the bell rings again, I find a familiar pep in my step because this is the class period that I get to see Hayden. Maybe looking at his beautiful face will make me feel a little better.

He hasn’t shown up to class when I get back to the room, but there are still a few minutes until he’s late. Instead of starting to worry, I sit down at my desk and start prepping for the class period. We’re giving a test today after Barbara finishes her lecture, so I get all the papers in order to occupy my mind.

I smell him before I see him – that scent that has stuck to my sheets and made a home on my skin. Except there’s something stronger trying to overtake it. Alcohol and smoke.

When I look up, I find Hayden stumbling into class, his arm thrown over his friend Levi, who’s laughing as he guides him to his seat. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to decide what to do. Panic grips my insides, choking me and making me start to sweat.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what Icando. It’s not like I can go over to him and make any sort of move to protect him; I have to just sit here and watch this happen like I don’t even know him. Moisture licks at the back of my eyes as I watch him fall into his seat, his body like jelly moving in slow motion.

Levi pats him on the shoulder, saying something to him that’s too quiet for me to hear, and Hayden waves him off.

When he looks up at me, I want to crack – fall to pieces and say fuck it all, just run over and wrap myself around him.

His eyes are more bloodshot than I’ve ever seen them, and dark circles shadow under his eyes, making him look ill. He’s pale, more pale than usual, and when he smiles at me, my stomach flips. Eyes fluttering, his face spreads into a smile that tells me he’s more than just drunk – he’s absolutely shitfaced.

Looking away from him and focusing on the black screen of my computer, I say a tiny prayer in my mind that he can get through this class period without Barbara noticing he’s fucked up.

The bell finally rings overhead, making me jump, and Barbara heads for the whiteboard before it’s finished.