I scream when his hand curls around my body and finds my clit. “I love you so much, H. All I need is you.”
Pounding into me from behind, he rubs my clit with his rough fingers. “Oh, fuck,” he groans against my skin. “That’s right. I fucking love you too, baby, even when you’re acting like a jealous bitch.”
I come then, slapping my hand against the door while my knees buckle and shake. “Fuck you!”
He bites my neck, and I feel his cock swell inside of me as my climax peaks, then he’s coming with me with a shout.
“Fuck, P,” he grunts. “You’re fucking squeezing me so tight, like your pussy never wants to let go of my dick.”
He trembles against my back, and yanks on my hair as he fucks me through his orgasm, then we both fall breathless, me against the door and him against my back. His cock starts to go soft inside me, and I curl my arm backwards so I can wrap a hand around his neck. My heart is racing, my blood rushing so fast that I can hear it in my ears, and my chest is heaving. Lifting off me, he steps back and turns me around quickly before he presses me against the door again.
He kisses me then, hard and fast, threading his tongue with mine. I meet his kiss with one just as greedy, smearing my lipstick against his mouth as my hands grab onto his waist. When he pulls back, we share a few breaths before he grins at me.
“You feel better?”
I blink up at him and study the shape of his pupils. “Are you high?”
He laughs. “I took a molly before you got here.”
I lick my lips, narrowing my eyes at him. “Why?”
A week ago, we decided we would both stop doing drugs. He’s into the thick of his senior year, and I’m in the first year of my career, and we need to focus. Plus, we were getting fucked up so much that time was starting to blur together. I was hopeful after the conversation, since Hayden was so quick to agree to going sober with me – he didn’t seem to mind at the time, but right now I’m thinking that he was just trying to placate me and tell me exactly what I wanted to hear.
I hate that deep in my gut I feel betrayed, almost like I’ve caught him in a lie.
“It’s a special occasion,” he says, cupping my face with his hand. “You want one?”
“No.” I sigh, shaking my head. “How do you plan on getting home if you’re rolling?”
He pulls back an inch and his brow goes up. “I’m fine to drive.”
I shake my head again, rolling my eyes in disbelief. A small, humorless laugh escapes my mouth, and he gives me a confused look.
“What’s the deal, P?” he snaps. “Are you my girlfriend, or my mom?”
I laugh again, straightening my dress. “You know what, I’m going home. Have a great night.”
When I grab the doorknob, he stops me from opening the door, pulling me into him. “You’re mad? Why?”
I brush my hair from my face and shake him off again. “If you can’t figure it out on your own, then you’re an idiot.”
Pulling the door open, I walk back out into the club and leave him standing in the storage closet by himself, hellbent on leaving this night behind and starting over tomorrow.
Hayden surprisesme by leaving me alone for the entire weekend, and by Monday morning, I feel so bitter and angry that it’s a challenge to get up and get ready for work. I know I’ll have to see him, pretend like nothing is wrong because of the circumstances of our situation, and that makes everything that much worse. If he’s done with me, he needs to be a man and say it.
He doesn’t get to just ghost me, leaving me wondering what the fuck he’s been up to for the last two days.
I’m feeling more anxious than ever by the time I’m walking into my classroom at 7 a.m., a small part of me hoping Hayden beat me here to apologize. I’m disappointed to find only Barbara in the room, behind her desk, flipping through a stack of essays.
“I think half of these papers were written by toddlers,” she complains by way of greeting, and I chuckle as I sit down behind my desk.
“Nothing good so far?” I question, logging into my computer.
She slaps a handful of papers on the top of her desk. “One of these papers claims the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1976.”