Page 61 of The Hallows Queen

I let out a heavy exhale. “You’re wrong.”

He chuckles. “Should I check to make sure you’re not telling me lies, P?”

I press my thighs together instinctively, and he laughs again.

“That’s what I thought.”

My body buzzes with anticipation, almost begging silently for him to follow through, to position himself between my legs and impale me until everything around us fizzles to nothing. But there’s that little reminder in the back of my mind of our location, the fact that, at any moment, someone could walk out here and see us. That’s what keeps me solid and standing instead of melted into a puddle at his feet.

A heartbeat passes between us, then he pulls back to give me room to turn around, keeping one hand on the frame of the car next to me.

I spin to face him, finding his dark eyes filled with lust, and it makes my breath catch in my throat. Pressing my lips together, I find myself whispering, “Please.”

His gaze trails down my body, then back up to my eyes. “Pleasewhat?”

The hand hanging at his side turns into a fist, and then unclenches, his fingers wiggling like he’s trying to get blood flow back into them. I look at his mouth, so red and tense, like he’s been chewing on his lips, and I pull some oxygen in through my nose.

When I find his eyes again, his pupils have grown, and he looks ravenous, like he’s a lion staring at its next meal.

“Pleasewhat,Penelope?” he asks again, his voice like gravel and stones scraping against his throat.

Shaking my head, I swallow the saliva in my mouth. “Please leave me alone.”

His face falls, his hungry confidence disappearing, replaced by that humored grin that makes me want to smack him.

Before he can say anything, I take a step to the side so I’m no longer underneath the warm shadow of his body. He turns, though, looking at me like he’s ready to chase me wherever I go.

“Thiscannot happenhere,” I say, waving my hand toward the school.

His brows furrow, and it catches me by surprise. He doesn’t seem like the type of person who would ever be confused; the fact he would ever show such a human emotion is almost laughable. He sees the laughter start to break through my features, and he steps toward me, ready to pounce again.

I chuckle, stepping back and out of his reach.

“Be very careful with your words, P. What do you mean?” He narrows his eyes like he’s annoyed he even has to ask for clarification.

“I think I made myself incredibly clear all day long, Hayden.” I thread my fingers together, digging my nails into the skin of my knuckles.

He points one tattooed finger at me. “Your mouth says one thing, and your body says another.”

I press my lips together. “My pussy doesn’t know we aren’t supposed to like you yet. I still need to talk to her about it.”

He laughs, his head falling back.

“I could help you tell her, if you want, we have a really close relationship.” He shrugs, that cocky smirk pulling at his lips as he steps closer to me and grabs me by the hips.

I groan, feeling defeated that I let him get close enough to grab me again. My voice is breathy when I answer him. “It’s fine. I can handle it on my own.”

He leans forward and captures my mouth with his, catching me off guard enough that my lips fall open on a moan. Taking advantage, he slips his tongue against mine, and the silk of the muscle makes my clit pulse between my legs.

I can’t help it, I kiss him back, keeping my hands threaded together between us while he uses his own large hands to explore my hips and waist.

I want to push him away and pull him closer at the same time, almost like I have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, and they’re fighting each other for dominance.

When Hayden flicks his tongue against the roof of my mouth and his hand slides under the fabric of my skirt at my ass, the devil wins.

Every nerve ignites, burning hot enough that my lower back starts to sweat. My skin vibrates with pleasure in every place he touches, even as he just makes little circles against my backside with his fingers. I want to scream, beg, laugh, say no andyesyesyesat the same goddamn time.

Reality slams into me without warning, making me yank my lips from his and step backwards. He stares at me, his lips wet and his chest heaving. His fists clench at his sides, and his gaze sticks to me like glue.