“Are you ready to leave?”
Addy wasn’t so lucky with Paulo’s feet, and she staggered past us on her way to a spectacular face plant. Garrett made a grab for her and missed, but luckily, Deck Langdon was closer. He caught her a moment before she hit the floor and set her back on her feet.
“Careful, Addy.”
“Oops.” She stroked his face. “Delicious Decker, you’re so purdy.”
“You might want to ease up on the cocktails.”
Addy clung to Deck with one hand and reached for me with the other. “I’m good. We’re good, right? Sara? We’re good?”
That was debatable. My feet hurt, but at least I was still able to stand upright. “Good-ish.”
“Is that your shexy hot man? He’s purdy too. Gary?”
Thankfully, Garrett seemed more amused than annoyed by her antics. “Garrett.” Then he addressed Deck. “Want me to take her off your hands?”
“She needs a glass of water.”
“I see that.” He gave Deck a closer look. “Have we met before?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Gary, I need to pee,” Addy announced, giggling.
Garrett looked to me for help as Deck beat a hasty retreat. “Can you handle it?”
“I’m almost certain I can do that.”
My purdy hot shexy man was an angel in human form. Two glasses of water and a bathroom break later, he carried Addy out of the bar and then drove her back home to Coos Bay. Between us, we got her into bed and made sure she had a bottle of Tylenol close by for the morning.
“Think she’ll be okay?” he asked.
Addy just snuffle-snorted and tucked the quilt around herself.
“Yup. I’m really sorry about this.”
“It’s a good thing I love you.”
“You…you love me?”
He gave me the sweetest, most heart-melting smile. “I do.”
His heartfelt declaration was met with a loud fart from Addy, and I couldn’t help it—I just started giggling.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
“I’m… I… Oh my gosh. I don’t know what to say.”
“How about telling me you love me?”
“I love you.”
“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
I reached a hand down to my favourite part of his anatomy. “Well, actually…”