“You think?”
He smiles. “I know. Kelly was not easy to love at first, but I fell hard. And I’m seeing it in you.”
I shake my head. “I’m not fit to be with someone like Savannah.”
“Are you kidding? You’re perfect for Savannah.”
“I’m an ex-con, Leif.”
“And she’s a member of a crime family.” He chuckles softly. “It’s like it was written in the fucking stars.”
“She’s my parole officer.”
“Probably not for long.” Leif takes a seat on my leather couch. “Listen, I didn’t come here to give you a lecture, or to tell you to fall in love with this woman. I think that ship has sailed. I came here because you called me. You said you needed my help. And I want to help, Falcon. I do. But I need to know what I’m dealing with.”
“My Grandma Bellamy died a little over a year ago,” I say.
“Yeah, I know.” Leif’s gaze shifts toward the mantle. “My mom and dad called me. I would have come to the funeral, but I was in the middle of some undercover work for the Wolfes.”
“I got off on furlough. First time I saw the outside in seven years, and I’ve got to tell you, Leif, I was tempted…”
“To make a run for it? Leave the country?”
“Yep. I almost called you. I knew you were working for the Wolfes. My father told me. And I know the Wolfes can get things done.”
“I’d have had your back.”
“I wasn’t sure at the time. But I was fucked up. Seven years in the slammer will do that to you.”
“I get it. My experience is way different, but I get it.”
He’s trying to be understanding, empathetic. But he was serving his country. He came back a hero. A fucked up hero, maybe, but still a hero.
I came back a fucked up ex-con.
Huge difference.
“So let’s be honest about one thing,” he says. “You need my help with the Savannah situation. So before we continue, you need to level with me. What are your feelings for her?”
My feelings for Savannah…
How do you describe the beauty of a Texas sunset? The pure sound of a child laughing?
That joy you feel, except it’s more than joy. Words don’t exist.
Savannah… Sweet Savannah, who doesn’t deserve the fate she was born into. She deserves so much more. She deserves everything.
When I think about those two men coming for her, taking her…
I curl my hands into fists as rage thunders through me.
I know this rage. It’s the kind of rage I felt every time I heard Tommy Ortiz scream from his cell when Bruno violated him.
The kind of rage I felt when the cops came after my littlest brother.
The kind of rage I felt when I heard Raven—sweet Raven—was sick.
The kind of rage I felt when I heard that Savannah was almost married off to some junior mob member of a rival family.