Family is everything.
And I’m still fucking Savage.
“You could’ve leveled with me, you know.”
She swallows, gulping audibly. “I didn’t think I had to. I thought I was out.”
“Oh, Vannah.” I draw my gaze to my knuckle tats again, and the truth hits me like a fucking truck. “You’re never fucking out.”
Her face is white as fallen snow.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“How could you even think I’m okay?”
“I mean your bleeding.”
“The cut seems to be shallow.” She unfists her hand, and one of my socks falls out. “Looks like it’s clotting.”
“Thank God,” I say.
“You think that guy will stay out?”
“I don’t know. If he comes to, I’ll clock him again.”
“I think we should go, Falcon.”
“Honestly, I had that same thought. But if this guy starts bleeding again, he won’t make it.”
“Yeah… Besides, this is your house. They already know that. I told them your name.”
I can’t be angry with her. I’m the one who told her to call 911, and once they got here they’d know whose house this is.
This isn’t going to look good. Me. Out on parole for a week, and my parole officer here.
With me.
At my house.
Wearing my underwear.
“Savannah, I want you to go to the pool and put on your clothes.”
She nods.
“Throw those things you’re wearing in the changing room.”
“Shouldn’t we burn them or something?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Savannah. Burning them will just make it look like you think you did. And bring me my phone. Or yours. It doesn’t matter.”
She nods again, and she walks, a little unsteady on her feet, but she makes it back into the pool’s screened area.
Only one guy can help me, and it’s someone I swore I’d never talk to again.
But I need him.
My best pal for my whole life until I went to prison.