Page 129 of Sweet Sin

“I can’t. What if Savannah tries to get hold of me?”

“We can’t risk their security tracing your signal.”

“I… I can’t do it.”

“You have to.”

And here’s where the difference between Leif and me lies. He was a member of the Navy, an elite SEAL, and he had the most up-to-date technology at his fingertips.

I was an inmate. I didn’t have a phone inside. I didn’t have to worry about it being traced.

I relied on handmade shivs and my fists.

“Where do we go first?”

“We need to breach the perimeter,” he says. “And we need to do it without being seen.”

“That seems impossible.”

“It’s not. We can do it.” He grips one of my shoulders with his firm hand. “You’ve got to believe in this, Falcon. You’ve got to believe that you have justice and the good of everything on your side.”

I breathe in slowly, and then I nod.

Leif nods back and then pulls out a bag of what looks like beef jerky.

“You need a snack?” I ask.

“Nope. These aren’t for me, and I don’t suggest you eat them either.”

“What are they?”

“Beef jerky laced with canine tranquilizer. For the guard dogs.”

“It won’t hurt the animals, will it?”

He shakes his head. “Nope. They’ll just take a little snooze. That’s all we need.”

“Do we even know if there are dogs?”

“Nope. We haven’t cased the place yet. My guess is there will be guard dogs. Every top-notch security system uses human guards, guard dogs, a wired and wireless entry system, and then of course the most basic thing. A big ass fence.”

We’ve already seen the fence. It’s six feet tall, black wrought-iron. With a locked gate.

“I didn’t see a guard at the gate though,” I say.

“There isn’t one. Odd, yes. If it were me, I’d have one. But it’s probably a remote-controlled gate. If it’s digital, and I’m betting it is, I should be able to hack the code.” He holds up a gadget that looks kind of like a cell phone.

“Where the hell do you get all these things?”

He glances around. “I’m outfitted by the Wolfe family. They’ve got the highest tech in security. They’ve had to, to keep their fathers’ victims safe. And even then, it hasn’t always worked. I could tell you stories about what happened to Kelly.”


“Another time, man. First things first. Kelly’s home safe, behind locked doors and behind our dogs. I’ve got a security system that’s better than this one.”

“Do you?”

“You better fucking believe it.”