“But I need to stay here with you. I promised.”
“I’ll stay the night,” Hawk says. “You go. Go find her.”
I go to my sister’s bedside, kiss her fuzzy head. “Whatever this is, Raven, you do not let it get you. Do you hear me? You going away is not an option.”
“I’ll be okay, Falcon.”
I simply nod, and then I back out of the room.
As I walk to the elevators, I don’t know what to do.
I, Falcon Bellamy, don’t know what to do.
It’s an odd sensation, something I’m not sure I’ve ever felt.
Eight years ago, I knew what I had to do. I had to protect my brother.
A few days ago, I knew what I had to do. I had to protect Savannah.
All those times in prison, when I was either attacked or someone from my cell block was attacked, I knew what I had to do.
I had to protect them.
And now?
Yes, I have to protect Savannah. With everything in my being I know this.
But I don’t know where to start.
I find my car, get in.
I sit in the driver seat.
I’ll call Leif. He’ll know what to do. He worked as a bodyguard. He knows how to investigate.
I pull my new phone out of my pocket, but my fingers don’t move.
That crow is still pecking the back of my neck, but with that I feel something new.
Something I’ve suppressed for so long.
I feel fear.
For Savannah.
For what my life might be without her.
I scribble a quick text to Leif.
I need your help. Meet me at the hospital. You know what to do.
Then I head back into the building, back up to the trauma ward, back to Giancarlo’s room.
I walk in, and he’s still lying alone, asleep.
A nurse could come in at any time and check his vitals, but at this point I don’t care.
“Wake up, you fucking son of a bitch.”