No feet.
No one at the sinks.
Then I look inside each stall, just to make sure no one is sitting on the toilets, hiding.
They’re all empty.
Where is she? She wouldn’t have gone into the men’s room. Perhaps she went to a different floor, or down to the first floor to get a snack.
I walk briskly through the hallway to the other end, where the elevators are. But I don’t have the patience to stand and wait for an elevator. I open the door to the stairwell and race down six flights of stairs to the first floor.
I repeat my actions in the ladies’ bathroom by the cafeteria.
No Savannah.
Then I go to the cafeteria, rake my gaze over every corner.
No Savannah.
Until a light bulb flashes in my mind.
Perhaps she went to see how he’s doing, to make sure he’s still on the mend, so she’s not looking at a manslaughter charge like I am.
If that were the case, why wouldn’t she just tell me?
I race back up the stairs to the fourth floor where Giancarlo is, walk briskly to his room, peek inside the cracked door.
He’s still lying there. Still with an IV in his arm, still hooked up to his machines.
He’s alive.
Thank God.
But no Savannah.
He’s asleep, and the only thing left to do is go back up to Raven’s room.
Let her know that I can’t stay with her tonight.
I have to do it quickly. I could easily just call Hawk and have him relay the message, but this is my sister. My sister who may be…
No. Can’t go there. It’s a virus. Just a virus.
I take the stairs again, this time to the sixth floor and back to Raven’s room.
My mother gasps when she sees me. “Falcon, what happened?”
I don’t know what she means, until I realize I’m sweating, perspiration dripping down the sides of my face.
“Took the stairs. Ran up and down them.”
“Did you find her?” Raven asks.
I shake my head. “I don’t know where she could’ve gotten off to. We came here together, in my car.”
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Raven says. “Go. You go find her, Falcon.”