Page 94 of Sweet Sin

“Who was that inmate?”

“He was called Zion. I had witnesses. He attacked me.”

“I see. Do you know what he was in for?”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t you have all this information? My life is an open book starting eight years ago.”

“I just want your take on it.”

“What does it have to do with this case at hand?”

“Mr. Bellamy, you’re an ex-con. It’s all relevant to your mens rea.”

“Mens what?”

“Mens rea,” Lola says. “It’s a legal term which means malice aforethought. Your intention as opposed to your action, and it’s not relevant here. You know this, Detective.”

“It’s always relevant when someone has already been convicted of the same crime.”

“I wasn’t convicted. I pleaded guilty, and I had my reasons.”

Lola stands. “And mens rea was not an issue with that crime. Do not say anymore, Falcon. You’re out of line, Detective. This interview is over.”



A burly man sits outside Falcon’s house in a black car.

Earl. My bodyguard.

My father called, and I’m supposed to let him in the house. I refused.

First, it’s not my house, and second, my father can fuck himself.

Still, though, having Earl here does give me some peace of mind. Not a lot, but some.

Earl is no Falcon.

I’m sitting out front with the dogs, trying to relax by playing with Sammy. He’s so cute, and he has that sweet puppy breath and those little puppy teeth that scrape over my hands. They’re sharp little things.

I raise my eyebrows when Falcon drives up.

He gets out of the car and stalks toward me, his eye on fire. “What are you doing out here? You’re not safe.”

“See that black car?”

He looks. “Yeah. Who the hell is it?”

“It’s Earl. My bodyguard, compliments of my father.”

Falcon furrows his brow. “Why didn’t you invite him in?”

“Not my house.”

“Savannah, come on. As long as you’re staying here, it’s your house.”

“I wasn’t sure.” My voice is small and shaky.