“I mean, itisa good financial opportunity, but there are better financial opportunities out there—especially if you factor in the inheritance. Why did you agree to take over running a diner when you have other plans, when you have no interest in it?” It’s apparent by his tone of voice that he’s upset.
“That’s not entirely true. I mean, I havesomeinterest in it. Besides, it’s not like her request blindsided me. I knew it was going to happen.”
“Yeah, and I thought once you got your inheritance you were going to focus on your art.”
“I still am.”
“How the hell are you going to be able to do that when you have a whole other business to run? Do you know how much time goes into running a business?”
“Why are you getting all bent out of shape about this?” I ask, growing frustrated. “It’s my life and my decision.”
Cal snorts and gets to his feet. “Yeah, sure it is.”
I don’t like his tone of voice or what he mumbles under his breath. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that once again, Goody-Goody Josie is doing what she’s told, instead of deciding for herself.”
I hate when he calls me that.
Who the hell does he think he is?
Just because we’re sleeping together doesn’t mean that he gets to judge me or the choices I make. “Screw you, Cal,” I snap, getting to my feet. “You have no idea what kind of situation I’m in. I couldn’t just turn her down.”
“Of course you could. It’s easy. All you had to say was, ‘I’m not interested.’ Simple as that.”
“Nothing iseverthat simple.”
“It is if you’re not scared to take a risk!”
“This has nothing to do with taking risks,” I snap. My anger mounts the longer we argue. I can’t help it. I’ve been taking care of myself and making my own decisions my entire adult life. I don’t answer to anyone, especially nothim. Him, of all people! He doesn’t get a say in what I do. He doesn’t get to make comments on my choices.
“Then what’s stopping you, Josie?” he presses. “What’s scaring you about moving on from that place?”
“Matilda was there for me when no one else was! She’s been like a mother to me these last few years. How can I look her in the eye and tell her that all the time and energy she put into helping me, teaching me, was for nothing? Besides, it’s not like I was going to quit the diner once the inheritance came through. There’s no harm in staying on longer. As the manager and owner, I’ll be able to set my own schedule, do things my way—”
“We both know that you will work harder than anyone else. Don’t kid yourself. But that’s not the point, Josie,” Cal interrupts. “The point is that you’re an artist. You’re meant to be drawing and creating. Don’t use the diner as an excuse not to follow your dreams.”
“That’s not what’s happening here,” I nearly shout.
“Bullshit! That’sexactlywhat’s happening.”
“No, it’snot. What’s happening here is someone is depending on me, and I’m not going to let them down. I can’t let them down. Not thatyouwould know anything about that.”
There’s a pause.
Cal’s eyes flare. “Excuse me?”
My body is shaking with rage, and I have to clench my hands into fists to stop the trembling. I’ve never been this angry in my life. “You don’t know me! You don’t get to judge me,” I snap. “You only have yourself to worry about! You have no idea what it means to have someone depend on you so much that you can’t even entertain the thought of disappointing them. You do whatever you want, when you want. You always have! So don’t youdarestand there, trying to tell me how to live my life when you’veneverbeen in my shoes.”
“That’s unfair and not true, and you know it. But we’re not talking aboutme,” Cal snaps back. “We’re talking aboutyou. This is not me judging you. We’re talking about how you never stand up for yourself.”
“I never stand up for myself? Are you kidding me?”
“Josie, for fuck’s sake, you have a chance here to make your dreams come true, and you’re throwing it away.”
“I’m not throwinganythingaway. I’m still going to do my art. And sell it.”
“When? Because Kaylin has given you this amazing opportunity to do just that, and you keep coming up with excuses.”