Everything is exactly how I want it. Yet, I can’t help but be bothered. Just a little. I know exactly why. The last week with Josie was fun. Now I can’t help the nagging feeling in the back of my mind.
Because at the end of next fucking week, the month with Josie will be over.
“Hey,” I say, entering Theo’s office. “I’m hungry. Let’s grab some lunch.”
A ride is exactly what I need. We grab our bikes and ride through the city. But even when doing my favorite thing in the world, I’m still not entirely focused. After riding for about half an hour, Theo and I stop at a local street vendor to grab pizza slices. We eat them while sitting on our bikes.
“So, not long until the end of the month,” Theo says. He wipes some tomato sauce off his beard. “Divorce time is right around the corner.”
I’ve been dreading thinking and talking about it for days.
“I gotta say, Theo, I’m gonna miss it.”
His eyebrows shoot up. “Say that again?”
“I’m going to miss being married to Josie.”Damn, it feels good to say it out loud. “This month has been fucking amazing, and I don’t know what to do when it’s over.”
“Just tell her you don’t want the divorce,” he says.
“It’s not that simple. She’s already talking about finding a new place. She’s ready to move on. Besides, things are going well now, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before we’re at each other’s throats again.”
“I don’t believe that.”
He’s right. Deep down, I don’t believe it either. The words sounded hollow even when I said them. We’ve come so far since our wedding day. Granted, we still annoy each other, but it’s changed. It’s evolved. Not to mention we have fun too.
“Maybe not,” I say. “But there are other factors to consider. She’s made it pretty clear that once this month is over, we’re going to go our separate ways.”
“Did you ask her? Maybe she’s having second thoughts like you are.”
“She talks about finding a bigger place all the time. She hasn’t changed her mind. Have you ever known Josie to change her mind?”
We share a look and shake our heads. “No, not really,” Theo agrees, chewing. “But there’s a first time for everything. You won’t know until you talk to her about it.”
“If I can,” I say. “She’s hardly ever at home.”
“I’m sure you’ll find the time.”
“She has back-to-back doubles the next few days to train the new staff.”
Theo lowers his pizza slice, staring at me with wide eyes. “Oh. My. God.”
It makes me stop eating and I frown at him. “What? What’s that about? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I never thought I’d see the day where Callum Ashford isscaredto talk to a woman.”
“Oh,fuckyou. I’m not scared. The fucking situation is just complicated as shit.”
“You can say that again.” Theo chuckles while taking a huge bite of his pizza. After he chews it down, he says, “Want me to talk to her for you?”
We grin.
“Get out of my ass.”
He’s not completely wrong. If I’m being honest with myself, a part of me is apprehensive to broach the subject. Things feel like they are falling into place, and I hate the thought of it coming to an end.
We fall into silence, chewing, and finishing our lunch.
Once he’s done, Theo hops back onto his bike to head back to the dealership.