“Perfect. Yeah. Good night.”
I watched Stella basically flee the meeting room. The way her hips swayed from side to side when she stormed out was enough to drive a man insane. The smell of her perfume lingered long after I lost sight of her. It smelled of mandarin and jasmine. I inhaled and tried to remember how strong the smell of it had been on the nape of her neck. Shaking my head, I put the dirty cups I’d taken from her back on the boardroom table.
I couldn’t believe I had just let that happen again. What fucking spell did she have on me? I’d never been unable to resist temptation.
The stars in the night sky twinkled through the boardroom’s large windows. I looked at them and tried to spot some of the constellations I was familiar with, all in an attempt to distract my ravenous mind. It didn’t work for long. My reflection in the windowpane looked like I felt: a hungry animal. I put my hand against it and felt the evening air’s cool touch behind it.
“This has to stop,” I said aloud.
That texture of her skin and that wetness between her legs. Sweet Lord. How soft and warm her skin had felt against my fingers. My cock jerked at the mere thought of exploring more of her than I’d been able to.
In vivid pictures, I imagined what might have happened if my phone hadn’t rung. I would have made her beg for more, plead for me to do unspeakable things to her on the tabletop. Being the gentleman that I was, I’d have obliged, of course. But not before I’d put her on my lap and spanked her until her bare ass cheeks turned blushing red—I hadn’t forgotten the spanking I’d promised her. Then, I’d spank her pussy. Thoroughly. Once I was done with that—and only if she promised to behave—I’d offer to kiss the places all better. I’d allow my lips to tickle her thighs and everything between them.
Stop. I caught myself getting feverishly embroiled in my thoughts. I wouldn’t allow my mind to run away with itself.
I took a deep breath and tried to calm my pounding heart.She’s off-limits, I reminded myself,and you need to put all this—whatever it is—aside.
When I finally got home, I headed straight to my bedroom and flung myself onto my bed. Damn. Damn. Damn. I ran my hand from my chest down to the hem of my panties and sighed. How was I ever going to pretend that it never happened? Realizing what I was doing, I jerked my hand away and stared up at the ceiling.
After a moment of contemplation, I pulled my cell phone out of my jacket pocket and dialed Bonnie’s number. She answered before my phone had the opportunity to ring a third time.
“Girl! How was your day? Have you been managing to avoid that apparently sexy boss of yours?”
“Ehh…Not quite,” I ashamedly conceded. “It happened again, butworsethis time.”
“Worse this time? What do you mean?” I could practically hear Bonnie raising her eyebrows as she always did when she heard something surprising.
“He and I had to work late today because we had a client meeting at half past six.”
“Oh, no. If I’ve learned anything in life, it’s that nothing PG-13 ever happens when two adults end up working late.”
“I guess I’m a cliché then,” I said. “Because that’s exactly what happened. It wasn’t rated R, but it was pretty steamy. After the clients left, I started tidying up the boardroom, and before I knew it, we were making out on the conference room table. One minute I was just collecting dirty cups, and the next we had our tongues in each other’s mouths. And then he touched my—” I paused, searching for a tasteful term.
“What? Your Hoo-hoo? Bajingo? Minky? Your Underwater Treasure Grotto?”
I laughed a little. Bonnie always knew how to crack me up. “Yeah.”
“Oh, shit. I think I can deduce what happened next. Did you end up going all the way?”
“No, nothing likethat. Not even close.” I sighed as she didn’t say a word. “But I kind of wish we had.”
“Girl. Stella. This is bad,” Bonnie chastised me. “That’s the opposite of what Iadvisedyou to do. I told you toavoidhim, not suck his face. What would your brother say?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me about Damon,” I said. “I feel guilty enough.”
“Why? Please tell me you didn’t suck his you-know-what.”
“Confetti Dispenser? One-eyed Wonder Weasel? Hisweapon? Hisloadedgun?” Uhh, I liked that one.
“Exactly. His little Barry. Whatever you wanna call it.Did you?”
“I didn’t. He only unbuckled his belt…and that wassohot. But that was it.”