It was him! Again.

It was Ace.

My new boss.

The man I’d just masturbated to.

He knew that I’d masturbated to him.

Instantly, I felt guilty for allowing myself to think less-than-professional things about my boss, and to moan his name while orgasming.

With shaky fingers, I picked my phone up.

A message from Bonnie flashed across the screen.

Bonnie:Wanna go out for some cocktails?Clinking glasses emoji. It might help you take your mind off the interview thing.


Oh, thank goodness. I was good. It wasn’t my boss.

Me:Actually, I got the job… Ace just called. I’m starting on Monday.

Bonnie:WHAAAAT?!? No. Gurl. If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were dreading telling me. Meet you at Davy Dave’s for a daiquiri at 7 p.m.?

Me:Make it a mojito, and it’s a deal.

I grinned at my phone screen. Its screensaver was a picture of Bonnie and me with goofy faces, sticking out our tongues. The photo always made me laugh. If I explained everything, Bonnie would understand. It was only a matter of one or two mojitos until she would be on my side.

Everything was falling into place. I had the best friend, the best brother, and now—thebestjob. The thought of my brother reminded me that I needed to let Damon know I’d got the job too.

After I retrieved my panties from the sink, my bathrobe from the hook on the bathroom door, slipped both on, and as soon as I was “decent” again, I dialed Damon’s number.

“Hey, sis,” Damon answered on the first ring. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Batman. I’m doing better than ever! In fact, I’m on cloud nine. No, I take that back—I’m on cloud ten. Ace just called me…” I left him hanging with a dramatic pause.



“Just tell me, and hurry up,” he said.

“I got the job! I got it! Of course, I got it because you guys are friends, but I’m fine with that.”

There was a pause. “I’m sure you got it on your merits alone.”

Hopping from foot to foot, I waited for Damon to express his delight. But there was nothing. “You don’t sound too happy?” No one could say my brother was a talkative person, but even for him, that was a bit thin. A strange feeling spread in my stomach.

“I’m happy for you. Well done. One of these days you’ll be a world-renowned architect, and Ace will have to go to extraordinary lengths to thank me for helping get you into his employ.”

“That’s a really sweet thing to say, mwah!” I felt oddly relieved and sent Damon a kiss. “I can’t describe how thankful I am that you recommended me to Ace.”

“I didn’t have to recommend you. Like I said, I’m sure he hired you on your own merit. I was just the middleman.”

“You’re being too modest.” I twirled my robe’s sash around like a majorette might twirl a baton on parade day. “You’re the best big brother in the whole galaxy, and I love you.”

There was more silence.