“Immediately. He wants your résumé,” Damon said without hesitation. “Plus, it’s an architecture firm. It’s a starting point. You could make a career there.”

Of course. Of all the companies, Windsor Architects had to have an opening for a position architect graduates would kill for.

Yes, I needed a job. Yes, I was desperate.But was Ithatdesperate?

Darn it.

Yes. Yes, I was.

But was Ace as desperate as I was? It was more than unusual for an inexperienced person like me to even be considered for a position of trust as assistant to the CEO.

“You didn’t somehow...force him to offer me a job?”

Damon snorted. “You don’t have the job yet, sis. He wants to see your résumé,” my brother reminded me. “Ace isn’t someone who lets himself be talked into his business decisions. I told him about your qualifications and convinced him.”

Oh. A warm feeling spread through my chest as I heard the pride in my big brother’s voice.

Not gonna lie, I used to have a huge crush on Ace. He wasthehottest guy in school, with his messy “fresh out of bed” hair and those incredible eyes. I’d never seen eyes like his. Every girl had a crush on him. Too bad he was such a douche. A jerk. A real asshole. And men like him never changed. They became worse. Like cheap wine that turned into a sour unappetizing gunk.

“Would I work for him directly?”


“Why doesn’t he hire somebody more, you know, experienced?”

“It’s impossible to find a good assistant with an architectural background in such a short time. You might have a shot.”

“Not enough trustworthy and diligent people out there, huh? And the pay?”

“From what I’ve learned so far, Ace pays his employees well above industry standards.”

Well,thatsurprised me.

What chance did I really have? Yes, Ace Windsor was a jerk face. A total dick.

But I needed a job. Soon. Now.

Was I ecstatic at the thought of working for the biggest douche on the planet? Hell no. Was I in the position to be picky? Not really. Also, it wasn’t like I could say no to my brother for handing me this unexpected opportunity without at least thinking about it objectively—and without grudges. It would be good for my bank balance, that was for sure. Maybe it would be good for my growth too. You know, like an “if you make it in a bosshole’s firm, you can make it anywhere” type situation.

Especially since it would mean that I didn’t have to ask my brother to help with my rent,again. It was bad enough that I had asked Damon to help me “a little” during my studies and with my loans, furniture, and other stuff. I knew he’d give me anything, his last shirt if needed, but it was time to stand on my own two feet.

One thing was odd though. It didn’t make any sense why Ace would wantme—of all people—towork for him, let alone pay me to be anywhere near him eight-to-five, five days a week. He disliked me just as much as I disliked him. Sure, I was honest, hardworking, and reliable, and he would be getting a great assistant with me. Still, I wasn’t naïve enough to believe he was offering the job because the years had softened his heart and turned him into a good guy. I was a realist, and was convinced he was the same asshat who was just doing my brother a favor.

A favor I’d ultimately pay for. The moment I’d walk in, he’d show me his ugly side, and boss me around. Yeah, you know what? Bring it on. I could handle a jerky grump any day of the week.

A hot jerky grump, nevertheless. But who knew, maybe he wasn’t hot anymore. Guys changed. Typically, the college heartbreakers turned shockingly ugly, while some of the dorky-looking guys aged into attractive men (Matthew McConaughey…swoon, Johnny Depp…meltmeltmelt, Colin Farrell…heaven have mercy).

Most certainly, time had given Ace the hideous appearance he deserved.

Ultimately, I told myself that, if for whatever reason I couldn’t handle the monster, I’d quit. Simple as that.

“I mean, if he personally suggested that I should apply, it would be rude if I didn’t,” I said, hating myself for the hint of excitement at the prospect of seeing Ace again. Only because of the job, that was. Not because of him as a man. I told myself it was just my curiosity getting the better of me, wanting to find outexactlyhow ugly he’d become after all these years.

“Definitely,” Damon replied. “Get your résumé and a cover letter ready and email them to me. I’ll pass them on to him.” It seemed like Damon was really worried about Ace’s ability to run his company without an experienced assistant at his side.

No worries. Stella Copeland would soon have that sorted out.

“Despite everything, you know you’re the best brother ever, right?”