It wasn’t hard to guess what his special treat would be.

* * *

It went without saying that what was to come after his presentation wouldn’t be like anything that had come before–and I was ready for his “special treat.” Ace returned in a good mood, having landed another million-dollar deal.

“Thanks, baby,” he said, taking the black coffee I’d brought him before I knelt on the floor as he’d demanded.I mean, why not, right? Just your regular office procedure.

He caressed my cheeks and leaned down to give me a kiss, grinning. “Hang on for a second. Well, I mean you can get up,” he said, taking my hand and helping me to my feet.

For a moment, I was confused.

“Remember when I caught you in my office the other day?” he asked.

My heart sank. Where was he going with this? “Yeah…?”

“I’m glad you didn’t go through my drawer, or you might have spoiled a surprise for yourself.”

Perplexed, I followed him with my gaze as he walked behind his desk and opened his drawer (his “dirty secret drawer”). He removed a piece of paper, and something else.

Wait, what? “Didn’t you want to give me a ‘special treat?’” I made quote fingers.

“I do.”

“I guess I totally misunderstood your note?” I laughed.

“Okay, I don’t want you to freak out,” he said, ignoring my question. “Close your eyes.”

“Close my eyes?”


I did as he asked.

“Idohave a special treat for you. Hands out, with your palms face-up.”

As requested, I put my palms face-up and felt him putting the paper on one of my hands and something heavy dropped in the other. “Can I open my eyes?”

“Open your eyes.”

I did. Slowly, I glanced down, feeling his smiling eyes on my face. In the middle of my hand was a brand-new car key. The paper was the title. An Audi,no way! That was what he was hiding in his drawer? Car keys…for me?

My mouth formed into a wobbly downward curve, and I looked up at him.No freakin’ way.Tears started filling my eyes. It was perfect timing too, since Jay’s announcement had made me so sad.

I was not going to cry.

“You have a driver’s license, don’t you?” he asked.

“I don’t.”

“No? No worries, I’ll teach you.”

I jumped into his arms.

“Thank you so much! Really? But…but…I can’t accept this. I can’t.” I let go of him, staring at the key.

“You can and you will,” Ace said firmly, closing his hand around mine. He kissed me so tenderly as if I were the most precious thing in the world.

“Ace.” I looked up at him. “I’m such a bad person. I thought your special treat had something to do withyour, you know…‘most prized possession.’” I made quote fingers and directed my head downward.