A sense of pride filled me knowing I’d played a role in closing the deal that had led to the creation of the file in my hand. On a normal day, I might have spent some time imagining what the next steps of the Hudson Yard project would be. However, I already knew that this moment was no ordinary moment. Many of my moments had been extraordinary lately.
By the time I got to the 8th floor, my legs were trembling and my heart rate was steadily climbing (and not because I’d climbed the stairs). I knew Ace would have something risqué in store for me, and the thought of it was enough to cause my pulse to race like a rocket. But I tried my best to contain myself and maintain my demure appearance.
I dashed into the hallway that led to Ace’s office.
One of the office doors that lined the hallway swung open, and Mr. Hardy, with his fun mustache, stuck his head out. “No running in the hallways!” He teased me as he’d done before, only this time, I knew he was joking.
“But I have to. It’s a life-or-death situation!”
“In that case, better hurry up. No corpses in the hallways!”
We both laughed, and he returned to his office.
Ace’s office door was closed. I took a deep breath, straightened out my pencil skirt, and knocked.
“Come in and close the door behind you,” he growled from the other side.
I obeyed and slipped inside.
His office’s familiar smell engulfed me, pulling me in deeper, akin to a wild animal following the scent of its mate’s pheromones. When I inhaled, my light-blue button-up blouse pulled tight across my chest.
“I got the file you asked for,” I said after closing the door.
Ace was seated behind his desk. His elbows were propped up on it and his fingers were laced together. He stared at me over his folded hands, his icy-blue eyes sparkling menacingly in his office’s dim lighting. “What took you so long? Bring me the file,” he demanded sternly, still holding me in his gaze.
Oh, my goodness.
“Yes,boss,” I said, having decided to play along. I walked toward him, making a conscious effort to do so as seductively as possible. I swayed my hips from side to side with each stride and pushed out my chest in hope that it would look perkier. I was totallynothaving a déjà vu white bikini walk, which had started just as promisingly and ended in a total fiasco.
“Put it on my desk.”
He was talking about the files, not my thong, right?
Ace unfolded his hands and motioned toward the pile of paper on his left. “And then come sit here so I can run through my presentation with you. I’d like your input on it before my meeting.”
He pushed his office chair away from his desk and patted his thighs.
Oh. He wanted me to sit on his lap.
“Yes, boss,” I squeaked as I placed the file on his desk and shoved my handbag onto the chair across from him. I sashayed toward him until I was standing directly in front of him.
“On your lap? That’s what you mean?” (Like I hadn’t gotten the message.)
“On my lap,” he growled. “Now.”
All right. I nodded, unable to speak. He was the boss. I turned around and lowered myself onto his lap.
Heavens. I could feel him harden under me instantly.
One hand now circling my waist, he slipped his other one beneath my pencil skirt. He squeezed my thigh, and my heart nearly leaped out of my chest. The familiar tingling sensation returned, and it was stronger than ever. I wanted to beg him to touch me more, to touch methere, but I knew I couldn’t. It wouldn’t be professional. It would besounprofessional.
“Open the file for me. My notes for the presentation are on the first page. Then we can begin.” I felt him repositioning himself underneath me. His thick erection was right at my center.
“Very bossy today, aren’t you?” I reached out to pull the file closer and opened it. A note circled in red at the top of the page read, “Start with ROI conversion.”
“That’s because Iamyour boss,” he grumbled. “Pay attention.” I could have sworn his voice sounded even deeper and “growlier” than it usually did.
He started running his hand up my thigh while reciting his speech. Oh, I was paying attention all right. I could tell he’d put a lot of thought into it (into the speech that was), which I concluded meant that the investors he was meeting with intended to invest a considerable amount of money.