“Oh, trust me. I’m sure Iwillneed it.” I chuckled.
After we exchanged another hug, he turned to make his way back to the driver’s side door.
“Jay? Can I ask you something before you go?”
He stopped mid-step. “Sure, what’s up?”
“I need advice about something. Psychological advice.”
“Of course.”
“It’s just hypothetical. And odd.”
“Sounds bloody perfect. That’s what I’m here for. Fire away.” He rested one of his arms on the roof of the cab and the other on the half-open door. “I’m all ears.”
“All right then. Well, I was just wondering what happens if a boss sleeps with his new employee, and that new employee kind of admits that she has always liked him? Likealwaysliked him. Do you think a boss would do something like that if they didn’t like the new employee back?”
“That’s an excellent question,” Jay said, rubbing at a patch of dark hair on his chin. “Has he told you he likes you back?”
“Jay. Was I that obvious?”
“Oh,onehundred percent.” He chuckled. “I’m a psychological expert, remember? So, your boss hasn’t told you he likes you back yet?”
“He’s said a lot of things,” I replied. “It’s not the things he’snotsaying that I’m worried about… He asked me to keep our relationship on the down-low. He doesn’t want other people to know about it.”
“Uh-oh. That’s not good. Major red flag, love. Have you ever been to his house?”
“No, I’ve not been to his house, but I’m not worried about that. Thing is, it kind of feels like he’s hiding something.”
“You reckon he’s married?”
“No, that’s not it.”
“Well…yeah…I think—”
“Okay. Well…here’s my advice. Ask him how he feels,” Jay suggested. “Maybe he really is sincere, and maybe you’re worried about nothing.”
I bit my lower lip. “Or I could have a reason to worry.”
“Pfff, well…you’ll never find out by standing around stressing about it.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thank you.”
“No probs, love. Am I seeing you after work? You’re still stuck with me for another month, remember?”
“Yes, and gladly so.”
“See you later, alligator,” he said before getting back into his cab. It sounded funny in his “Brit tries American” slang. “Good luck!” He waved at me through the window.
“Thanks. I’m totally gonna need it.” I waved back at him as I made my way up the stairs toward Windsor Architects’ entrance.
Due to all the storms and wind, the tree growing beside it had lost most of the little white flowers it had sported, but there were still a few lost bees buzzing around. I pushed open the double doors in front of me.
“Close the door before those damn bees come in,” Glenda huffed from the reception desk. “I’m allergic.”
I quickly closed the door behind me and spun around to ensure I hadn’t been followed inside by any of the little yellow and black buggers. The coast was clear. “Don’t worry. I think you’re safe.”