He released a cute laugh. To my utter surprise, he said, “Youarea catch, and it does mean we’re in a relationship.” He pressed his lips against the top of my head as his hands caressed my back.

Omg. I didn’t expect that.

Okay, act cool. Act confident. It worked.

“Do we tell Damon, you know, about the whole ‘snooping on you’ thing?”

He answered without a moment’s hesitation. “No.”

“All right. Good. Let’s wait with that until the furor dies down.”

“But,” he said, “I think it’s best if we keep our relationship quiet as well, at least for now. There are a lot of people who need to be told about us before we make it public.”

Ouch. I tried my very best to hide my disappointment.

But he was right. It was probably for the best.

“Okay.” I looked up at him and kissed the underside of his stubbly chin. “I kind of hoped I’d never have to keep another secret ever again, but I guess I can keep our relationship secret for a little while. Just as long as I never have to investigate you or anyone ever again. I’m done being a detective.”

That was the one thing no amount of love wouldeverget me to do.

“I’m all for that,” he said. “And yes, I agree, you can rule out that side career of yours for sure. Despite being soexcellentat it.”

I laughed. “And I gladly will.” I sat up and lifted my cell off the bedside table.

Speak of the devil. Unlocking its screen revealed that Damon had tried to call back twice.Oops. I hadn’t noticed his calls. He’d be worried by now, and I needed to call him back ASAP.

“How do mustard pancakes sound for breakfast?” I chirped, glancing over my shoulder at Ace, whose head was snuggling into the pillows.

“Mustard pancakes?” he asked, eyes still closed.

“Yep. With a side salad and chocolate sauce.” I giggled. “They’ll bealmostas delicious as you are.”

“Ah. I see we’re already in the food-pun stage of our relationship.”

“Food puns are my lifeblood. I’ll go get them started. Salad with chocolate sauce and mustard pancakes coming right up, I’m starving.”

“Can’t wait.”

“Where are my slippers?” Not seeing them, I moved quietly out of my bedroom and tiptoed barefoot over my cold floor, making my way toward the kitchen. Most of my baking supplies were in a modest pantry next to my oven. I dug through it and retrieved the necessary ingredients before unlocking my cell phone again. I stared pensively at its screen.

No time like the present.

I dialed Damon’s number and listened as it went straight to his voicemail. His cell was turned off.

Damon was still on his business trip, likely on a flight now. I guessed he wasn’t that worried about me after all. I measured out a cup of flour.

With my floury fingers, I shot Damon a “Hey, D, what’s up?” message, you know, so he wouldn’t worry. I didn’t mention Ace. I didn’t feel great for hiding our relationship. In fact, it did nag at me a little—seriously, living a secret life was exhausting—but it was for the best. It was what Ace and I had agreed on, at least for now. I consoled myself with the thought that one day very soon we would reveal everything and laugh about it together.

“How are those mustard pancakes coming along?” Ace waltzed into the kitchen groggily, handing me my slippers. “They were under my jeans.” He ran his hand over his disheveled hair, trying to smooth it down. He then rubbed his arm and moved his fingers. “I woke up with a numb arm this morning.”

“Oh, no. Because I was lying on it for too long?”

“Not complaining. You’re welcome to do so any time.”

I smiled at his cute sex hair, slipping my cold feet into my comfy house shoes. “You’re just in time.”

“Wow.” He smirked. “That was pretty quick.”