Bad hair day, but okay. The dress hugged my curves, stretching taut across my breasts and round bottom, and cinching in at my waist. The color looked good on me. My frizzy brown hairalmostseemed to have a hint of gold in it when contrasted with the dress’s lighter color, and my dark-brown eyes looked even darker.
I smiled.If he doesn’t think I look good in this, and hire me on the spot, he’s a lost cause.
Satisfied with my outfit, I peered into my wardrobe to find a suitable pair of shoes. I decided on a pair of elegant sky-high cream pumps. They were my favorite for two reasons: first, they’d been a gift from my best friend from kindergarten, Bonnie. Bonnie was an operations agent at a huge firm, and I loved her more than anything. Second, they made me look taller. At just under five feet two, I was used to being the shortest person in the room. When I was wearing the pumps Bonnie had gifted me, I was closer to being average height and felt a bit more confident.
Bonnie would love it if I snapped a photo, and that’s what I did, just to make her happy that I was putting her gift to good use. After unlocking my phone, I aimed it at the mirror, and made a funny face. Selfies were so awkward, but if anyone would appreciate it, it was Bonnie.
My message included the caption: “Do these look familiar?”
A moment later, my phone vibrated.
Bonnie:Yass, gurl!Smiley with heart eyes emoji.
Bonnie:Who are you all dressed up for?
Me:Prince Charming ;-)
Bonnie:Really? Who!?
Me:JK. I may have a job interview coming up. Do I look okay?
Bonnie:You’re the whole package.
Me:You’re too sweet.Hug emoji.
Bonnie:What place?Heart emoji.
Me:I’ll let you know—IF I get invited to the interview.
Truth was, I wasn’t really eager to tell Bonnie that it was Ace’s place. She hated the “ace-hat” more than I did after she’d had to comfort me for several hours when I’d cried my eyes out to her about him not loving me back.
Bonnie:Good luck! We’ll go from there.Heart emoji.
Me:Yes, thanks! XOXO
Me:Heart emoji.
After I tossed my cell phone onto one of my bed pillows, I unzipped my dress, and prepared to slip back into something more comfortable: a pair of gray leggings and a T-shirt. I was still busy wrestling the T-shirt over my head when I heard my phone vibrate again.Bonnie’s feeling chatty today.
I stretched over my bed, picked it up, and unlocked its screen.
Damon:I’ve sent your résumé to Ace, Pumpkin Face.
Me:Thank you so much, Batman.
Damon:He should get back to you soon. Let me know if he doesn’t.
Me:I’m dying to find out if I made the cut.
Me:Thanks for lining this up for me.
Damon:Anytime. Remember to let me know if he doesn’t get back to you.
Me:Nerd emoji.
Me:Hug emoji.