“However, I’m pretty sure we’ll both have a very small and very demanding boss to keep us busy for the foreseeable future.”
Ring. Riiiing.
I picked up my cell. “Yes,” I barked. It had been ringing nonstop ever since the news of the acquisition had gone public and made headlines in theNew York Times.
Construction World in Turmoil
Over Biggest Merger of the Century
“Edmond Ecclestone. Hello, Mr. Windsor,” a deep, rusty voice sounded, a slight French accent coloring the words.
For a second, I was baffled. But it wasn’t hard to guess where he’d gotten my private number from.
“Mr. Ecclestone,” I said.
“Congratulations on the merger.”
“You’re congratulating me on the merger that you tried to prevent?”
I heard a soft chuckle. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Then let me make myself absolutely clear to you,” I said, trying to leave the emotion out of my voice. “The stunt you pulled by having somebody infiltrate my company failed. It failed in every aspect. Did you really think that causing disarray and making me the laughingstock in my own company would weaken my overall standing? And just out of curiosity, what did you intend on doing next? Sweep in as the knight in shining armor, saving the place from ruin like Sodom and Gomorrah? Was that your plan?”
Another chuckle. “Mr. Windsor, s’il vous plaît. Please. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” It wasn’t hard to detect the hint of mockery in his tone. He knew damn well what I was referring to. But he also knew I had no proof, and he wouldn’t make the mistake of incriminating himself.
“In that case, our conversation is over. Goodbye.” I’d heard all I needed to hear. Any more words would be a waste of breath.
“Wait, Mr. Windsor. Un moment,” he said, just as I was about to end the call. “We were just having fun. Let’s talk over a nice glass of Cheval Blanc. I hear it’s your favorite.”
I chuckled and hung up.
* * *
Days later, I picked up a paper.
Scandal Pulls the Plug on Construction Shark
People claimed there was no justice. Ecclestone, “Mr. Après moi, le deluge,” had gotten slapped in a different way: karma style. According to the article, he’d been jailed for money laundering and tax evasion. All of his properties and assets had been seized by the IRS, and there was an ongoing investigation by the FBI. By the looks of things, his lawyers’ hands were tied.
He’d be back. Men like him always came back. But it might be a while.
* * *
Afew weeks later
We found out we were having a boy on a rainy Thursday.
I’d gone with Stella to her twelve-week checkup at noon. The traffic on the drive there was bad, but we were too excited to care. Neither of us expected the ultrasound technician to be able to tell the baby’s gender so soon, but Lady Luck was on our side. We both cheered when she said we were having a boy. We would’ve cheered had it been a girl too. It was just that knowing something about the little life growing in Stella somehow made it feel more real to both of us.
Dr. Maxwell peeked in quickly to congratulate us. We discussed babies, tattoos, and motorcycles. In that exact order.
By Friday morning, we’d decided on a name: Jack. Stella thought it’d be witty to stick to a card-playing theme.
“You’ll be the Ace,” she said. “He’ll be the Jack, and I—”