Stella inhaled sharply and went pale. “Oh, my gosh. I assumed—”

“It’s okay.” I waved my hand dismissively. “You didn’t know, and I should have told you earlier. I found out after she accidentally sent me a text meant for him. It was…explicit, to say the least.”

She emptied her teacup, lowered her head, and put her hand over her mouth. “Oh, heavens. I’m sosorry. That’s so bad, it must have been really hard for you.”

“I thought she was the one. The media made our breakup into a public spectacle, the asshats. I’m glad the reason for it never got out—it would’ve humiliated both of us. Some private matters are best left private.” I paused and let out a breath. “Worst thing, I didn’t see it coming. I’m not sure who to be more pissed at, her or myself. I trusted her with my whole heart. I should have fucking seen it coming.”

“It’s not a character flaw to see the best in people,” she said softly after a moment of consideration. “Ace, I feel bad about admitting this, but I read an article online about your breakup. The article didn’t mention the reason, but it had a photo of the two of you standing on a beach together in it.”

“Oh, yeah? Sounds like one of our engagement photos. We had them taken on a beach in Zanzibar during a vacation.”

“She is beautiful though. Much prettier,andblonder,andskinnier than I—”

“Don’t compare yourself to her,” I said, shaking my head, somewhat amused. Women. Grown real-ass men didn’t care about any of that shit.

She just looked at me.

“What?” I asked. “You’ve never caught me staring?” I winked at her.

“Well…” She shrugged softly.

Maybe I hadn’t told her, but she was absolutely spectacular. Even as she sat next to me on the couch, I couldn’t stop myself from stealing glimpses of her. Her beautiful face. Her stunning eyes. Her gorgeous curves. Her thighs. They were full and round, and I wanted to wrap them around my head. She was real.

“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world,” I said, meaning every word. “I also like your glasses—they look cute on you. No need to hide them.”

“You don’t have to say that.” She blushed and wrung her hands together. “I know I’m notthatbeautiful, but I have other qualities—”

“Stella, shut up.” I interrupted her. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me until we were tangled together on the couch. “You’re nothing short of a goddess. It’s insane that you don’t see that. My ex-fiancée doesn’t have anything on you. No other woman does.”

With sparkly eyes, she looked up at me and kissed my stubbly chin—the spot she liked to kiss. I hadn’t shaved that morning like I usually did, and my beard was longer than usual.

“You make me blush,” she whispered.

“I love to make you blush,” I rumbled.

Hooking a finger under her chin, I tilted her face and kissed her. Her lips tasted like matcha and vanilla, and I lost myself in the tenderness of her skin. I could feel the urge to doverynaughty things to her rising inside me, but I didn’t want to interrupt the moment’s sweetness. My lips brushed along hers, over her cheeks, making her giggle a little because she was ticklish, and I muttered in a low voice, “It’s not just your breathtaking exterior that’s captured me. You’re everything that’s right with the world. Because you don’t consider yourself as something better. You’re unbelievably kind to everyone around you, and the most empathetic person I’ve ever met. You’re funny and witty, and smart. You see the world with your heart, and you go the extra mile for what you believe in and for the people that mean the most to you. You always give your best. Every inch of you is perfection personified, and best of all—” I paused for dramatic effect. “You know what’s best of all?”

“No, what?” It was barely a whisper. Her eyes were filled with tears.

“Best of all—” I locked eyes with her. “You’re allmine,” I practically growled, kissing her again, harder this time.

Stella laughed, and she kissed me back feverishly, leaning into me, letting me feel her longing. Her breasts bore into my chest, and her hips wiggled against mine. She was so innocent and sweet. Me? I was the carnivorous animal about to devour its prey. I put my hands around her waist and encouraged her with slow pushing and pulling motions to writhe against me. It was hot. I was getting into it. My dick was getting into it. The thought of pushing myself into her depths was all I could think of. My hands ran over her thighs, pushing her dress up with them.

“Let’s go to my room,” Stella practically purred, suddenly pushing herself away from me and getting up. She extended her dainty hand toward me. I took it and allowed her to lead me to her bed. She flung herself down onto it back first and gestured with a funny head motion for me to join her.

All right.



“I don’t have protection with me,” I said, cursing myself. “My wallet is at home. Forgot my phone and everything in my rush to come here.”

“What makes you think you’ll need any? I’m just inviting you to lie down next to me.”

“Oh, really? That’s all you wanna do?” I winked, pulling my shirt from the back over my head, throwing it somewhere across the room. Bare-chested and on all fours, I crawled across the bed toward her and up over her body until I was towering over her. I pinned her arms under mine and kissed her. “You have nothing else in mind?”

“I…didn’t…not until you got on top of me.” She laughed, trying to wriggle free from my grasp in a weak-ass attempt, which I eventually allowed, only to undress her, of course.