Page 47 of The Cruel Dark

He leaned on the bookcase, refusing to face me.

“I assure you, Millie, I’m not,” he said, his voice low.

“Did you know the note was there?” Anger at my foolishness made my voice viperous. “If it’s your goal to make me so desperate I come begging for you, I swear I’ll never do it!”

My accusation hit a nerve, and he turned toward me, eyes dark with his own quickening fury.

“Do tell me again how you swear you never will,” he growled.

I ignored the twinge in my lower belly, the dangerous glint in his eye. I’d stoked his anger. Good. I embraced my own, tired of games. I grabbed another of the books off the desk, wanting to throw it at him, instead turning the opposite direction to the bookcases as far away as possible. I was attempting to find a sense of calm to prevent making a fool of myself, but with each step I only grew more furious.

“I have never in mylife”—I slammed the book onto the shelf in emphasis—“allowed someone to have this sort of torrid power over me, but you…”

I faced him again, wishing he was close enough to slap.

“You make me feel like I’m burning,” I grated, “like I’m going to die from it. All the while you’re only baiting me along so I’ll dance to your tune and amuse you. I hate it, and I won’t fall for it anymore!”

His voice rose to match the volume mine had become. “I’ve been trying my bestnotto give in to my worst impulses and defile you to within an inch of your life despite the many opportunities you’ve offered, and you’reangrywith me?”

“OfcourseI am! You’re playing the puppet master, pulling all my strings to your own delight. I’m not here for your amusement, and I never have been. My body and my desires aren’t for you to play with! I will never plead for anyone to want me. I’m calling your bluff, Callum Hughes, and you can fuck off!”

I’d wanted to say it so badly, driven by a frenetic need to expel the buildup, but as soon as I’d let off the pressure, I was ashamed of myself. I huffed, pressing a hand to my hot cheek, preparing to run from this as I had last night.

“Are you telling me,” he said, pinning me in place with the intensity of his glare, “my only two options are to never touch you again or to fuck you senseless right here, in the middle of the day, with the Good Lord’s bright light shining on us?”

I balked. “That’s not at all what I—”

“It’s an easy choice.”

He moved toward me with a dark purpose, his long strides bridging the distance so quickly it seemed supernatural. His hands were on my blouse, undoing the top buttons with such speed I might have thought they’d never been fastened.

I raised a hand to stop him, but he grabbed my wrist, taking advantage of the momentum to pin it above me against the shelves. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and ripped the buttons from their fabric in one savage pull, and they fell to the parquet floor like hail. The silk chemise I wore was the one he had gifted me, and it chafed me to see the smug curve of his lips when he recognized it. The barbaric action and all of my previous rage compounded, causing an eruption of white-hot lust that burned away my previous shame.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Millie?” His tone was harsh, combative.

“Yes,” I snarled in return, matching his brutality by grabbing his tie and pulling him toward me where we met in an angry, forceful kiss. He released my wrist to slide his hands beneath my chemise while I dragged my own through his hair.

The kiss was bruising, but we were ready to consume each other no matter what pain came from it. He tucked his fingers into the band of my skirt and, with a quick yank, popped the button at the top, loosening it enough for it to slide easily down the silk underthings and pool on the floor at my feet. No time wasted, he was grasping my hips, hoisting me so I could wrap my legs around his waist, my back against the bookshelves. Without preamble he ground himself against my soft heat, the firm ridge of his shaft running over the taut hill of my desire, causing me to gasp.

He moved slowly, making love to me with our clothes still a thin barrier separating us.

“Someone could walk in,” I rasped, this realization partially obscured by the haze of want.

“They have ears, don’t they?”


He rocked his hips forward roughly, sending shock waves to my core, brushing his lips over mine.

“Have you decided you’ve finally bitten off more than you can chew?”

It was a dare and we both knew it.

“Hardly,” I replied, shifting my hips to meet him in the next motion. He groaned, low and short, shaken by the intensity of the sensation, then he tucked an arm under my bottom and carried me back to the desk nearby where we’d started this whole thing in the first place. As soon as he’d placed me down, he began to undo his belt, and I joined his efforts of undressing by untucking his shirt, which he finished unbuttoning as I unfastened his pants.

The view of the firm plane of his stomach and the dark trail of hair dipping out of sight was intoxicating and as he discarded his shirt on the floor, I slid my hand into the loosened waist found his stiff arousal.

My touch incited a delicious, guttural sound from him as I freed his lust, wrapping my fingers around the base and slowly pulling up the daunting length. He was rock hard, and I guided my hand along the velvet shaft again, enjoying the enticing view before lifting my eyes to find his half-lidded, alight with a fire that grew ever more fierce as he watched me handle him. Enjoying my power, I lowered my mouth to the silky head, circling it with my tongue.