“Yeah.” Duncan frowned a little. “Did you not know what the message meant?”

“No.” Malt’s fuzzy antennae twitched. “We hear, we share, but we do not understand.”

“You hear?”

Malt nodded. “We hear… frequencies. Words, signals, things other animals cannot.”

“I’m guessing that includes human animals?”

“Yes.” Malt seemed to smile, and he rubbed Duncan’s back.

“I know some insects have evolved super hearing so they can hear bats coming, and bats echolocate at, like, two hundred kilohertz or something. Which actually means the frequency is oscillating at two hundred thousand times per second and human hearing taps out around fifteen to seventeen kilohertz, which is fifteen hundred to seventeen hundred—”

“I am so very glad you are alive so you can share that information with me,” Malt cut in politely, nuzzling the top of Duncan’s head.

“I think that’s the sweetest way anyone has ever told me to shut up.” Duncan laughed. “I am just, wow,reallythankful and excited, and I wish I understood how you did it.”

Malt shrugged.

“You don’t know either?”

“No. It is simply what we do.”

“And bywe, you mean the moth people?”

“Yes.” Malt chittered.

“Right. Well. Even if you don’t know how you did it, I’m glad you did. You saved my life and probably dozens of other people.” Duncan rubbed Malt’s chest, reaching up toward his furry collar. “I’m, uh, feeling very grateful.”

“That is very nice of you.” Malt seemed to smile.

“Like, so very grateful.” Duncan tilted his hips forward and hoped Malt would take the hint.

Malt did not. He patted Duncan’s back, saying, “It is really nothing. I wish I could help more people.”

“Malt,” Duncan said flatly.

“Yes, Duncan?”

“Do you remember when we were cuddling in your cave and certain things, ahem, popped up?” Duncan looked down between them. “And I very much wanted to explore them, but you told me another time?Thisis definitely another time.”

“Oh!” Malt’s eyes glowed. “I thought perhaps your attraction was a temporary result of your head injury. It is… however, how I found you.”


“Your scent.” Malt ducked his head bashfully. “We use scent to find our mates, and I was very surprised I was able to use it to find you.”

“Well, I very much wanted to mate with you.” Duncan grinned. “It’s good to know I left such a big impression. You definitely left a big one on me, you know. Two, in fact.”

“Yes, about that—”

“It’s all right,” Duncan insisted. “I think it’s sexy.”

“You do?” Malt squeaked.

“Uh-huh.” Duncan wanted to lean up for a kiss, but he was suddenly unsure where to put his mouth as it was not immediately clear where Malt’s lips were.

Or if he even had any.