Shit, shit, shit.
He really didn’t want to try and explain sex in any further detail even though it was clear Prince didn’t get it. Maybe he’d get it later—not it as in it being sex, but the concept, and…
God, Neil needed a drink.
“Are you all right?” Prince rubbed Neil’s shoulder. “Your face very much looks like a tomato.”
“I’m fine!” Neil squeaked. “I’m so fine.” He pulled Prince’s jacket down over the bandages. He leaned over Prince to grab a blanket from the back of the couch to drape over him, trying to ignore the bulge still taunting him. “There we go! How’s that?”
“Thank you.” Prince smiled. “I am very warm now.”
“Can I get you anything?”
“I am quite hungry.”
“What exactly do you eat?”
“Bones, marrow, meat. My job is to protect the garden, not eat it.” Prince beamed fondly. “Maggie would make delicious dinners for us, saving the bones for me. She could give them the most wonderful flavors.” His smile saddened and he looked away. “She… was so very special.”
“Yeah, she was.” Neil reached for Prince’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. “I definitely cannot cook like she could, but I will do my very best.”
“I am certain it will be delicious.” Prince’s warm smile had returned, and he patted Neil’s hand.
“I’ll, uh, go see what’s down in the meat freezer.” Neil pried himself away. “Just give me a little bit, okay?”
“I will be right here!”
Neil hurried down into the cellar, his heart pounding away at ninety miles an hour. He had just helped stitch back together a living, breathing, talking scarecrow and then accidentally grabbed his giant scarecrow dick. After finding a pack of cow bones in the freezer, Neil helped himself to a bottle of scotch he knew his grandmother always kept stashed behind some paint thinner.
He headed back up to the kitchen to get the bones in a pot of water to boil because he had no idea how else to cook them. There were two big steaks in the fridge and Neil grabbed them. He felt a little sad, wondering if his grandmother had bought these to share with Prince, but now he was going to have them instead.
“Putting the steaks on now!” Neil called out to Prince. “I’ll bring everything out when it’s done.”
“Take your time!” Prince called back. “I find myself so warm and comfortable that I may fall asleep.”
“Okay! Just holler if you need anything!”
Neil got the steaks going and then chugged scotch straight from the bottle. Sensing the very presence of his grandmother eyeballing him, he opted to pour his next drink in a glass. He poked his head into the living room a few times to make sure Prince was all right, and his heart fluttered unexpectedly as he gazed at the resting scarecrow.
He really wished his grandmother was here because,wow, did he have some questions.
When the steaks were done, Neil plated them and then got the bones out to stack up next to Prince’s steak. He carried the plates into the living room and then set them down next to Prince. “Okay, here we go!”
“Oh my gourd!” Prince blinked sleepily. “This smells wonderful!”
“I hope it’s good. Gimme one sec!” Neil headed back to the kitchen for silverware, his glass, and the scotch. He came back and then sat on the floor next to Prince.
Prince struggled to sit up, and he had to reach over to physically grab his right arm with the left so he could give it a quick twist. There was an audible pop, and Prince groaned in relief. He wiggled the fingers of his newly fixed arm in a little wave. “Oh, much better!”
“Uh, are you… okay?” Neil frowned as he passed over a knife and fork.
“Pardon me. That was probably rude.” Prince’s grin was a little sheepish as he took the silverware. “I am fine, thank you. Just have to put everything back where it is supposed to be.”
“Right.” Neil cleared his throat, and he began cutting into his steak. “Sorry that I didn’t notice your arm before. Is there anything else that needs to be fixed?”
“No. I will heal soon. Thank you for everything. You’ve been so kind.”
“Of course.” Neil smiled. “I’m happy to. Especially knowing you were such a good friend of my grandmother’s. I know it’s what she would have wanted.”