“Fuck, that sounds boring as shit.” Kevin snorted, looking out the window as they left town. He thought he’d feel sad since he hadn’t left in so long, but he didn’t know how long he’d actually lived here. “Please tell me it’s not a diaper situation like Cupid?”

“More of a flowy, glowing robe situation from my understanding.”

“Like Jedi? That’s kinda cool.”

“I can’t say for sure.” Percy snorted. “Trust that I’ve tried my best to avoid ever meeting an angel. Bad for business, you see. Since they’d smite me on sight.”

“Smiting sounds fun.” Kevin grinned, reaching over to prod Percy playfully. “How do we know if I can do that?”

“We don’t and no, I’m not going to be your guinea pig.” Percy popped another gummy shark in his mouth. “I’ll let you do all manner of sinful, disgusting things to me, but smiting is going to be a hard no.”

“No sense of adventure.” Kevin chuckled as he leaned forward to check traffic before merging onto the highway. “Just out of curiosity though… What kind of disgusting, sinful things do you have in mind?”

“Oh, peaches.” Percy smiled wickedly. “You just sit right there and hold on tight. It’s a good thing we’ve likely got a long drive ahead of us because it’s a very, very long list. The first one involves me, you, and a tub of Crisco…”

Kevin didn’t think it was possible to hear two straight hours of increasingly depraved sexual fantasies, but here he was. After hearing Percy’s fifty-sixth detailed vision of utter filth, Kevin decided he and his persistent erection needed a break. The truck had but one modern addition, a Bluetooth stereo system, and he opted to turn on some music to hear something other than Percy describing all the terribly wonderful things he wanted to do to Kevin’s asshole.

Kevin enjoyed a broad range of music, mostly focusing on country and rock. Frankly, anything would be welcome to hopefully ease the throbbing in his dick. He pushed the button on the stereo that connected his phone and before he had a chance to skip to another song, “Waterloo” by ABBA blasted through the speakers of the truck.

“Uh.” Kevin laughed hysterically, hoping he looked shocked as he scrambled to turn the volume down. “I have no idea how that got there.”

“No idea?” Percy smirked. “And here for a moment I thought you actually had some taste. How disappointing.” He tapped his foot and nodded his head, staring Kevin down like he absolutely knew this was no accident.

“Rude!” Kevin pretended to be offended, and then he noticed Percy mouthing the words to the song. He tried to keep a straight face, but it went to hell as soon as the chorus hit. He belted out the lyrics along with Percy, smacking the dashboard in time with the beat.

Percy cackled. “I knew it! No idea how it got on there, huh? Ha!”

Kevin laughed as he kept on singing, knowing there was no point in denying it now. His heart was light, and it pattered pleasantly in his chest. Everything seemed so simple and fun with Percy by his side, and it was easy to forget the insane quest they were on to find his wings.

He was a fallen angel with amnesia on a road trip with a demon who had a raging libido the size of Texas, singing ABBA at the top of their lungs, and he was happy.

This truly might have been the greatest moment in Kevin’s life.

Especially since all the others had been bullshit, it was nice to carve out something real, and he knew he was going to remember this for a long time.

The hours flew by after that, punctuated with stops for gas, food, and whenever Percy stole Kevin’s phone to play DJ. Percy had a passion for disco in particular, and somehow he figured out Kevin’s password to download Sylvester, Donna Summer, Amii Stewart, and of course, more ABBA.

Kevin continued to let the warmth in his chest guide him once they hit the interstate, and he drove until the sun was dropping and they’d crossed over three state lines with the magnets to prove it. Something told Kevin to get off the interstate, and he followed his intuition until they were cruising through a little city called South Bend.

Wait, shit, they were almost in Michigan.

This couldn’t be right.

Before Kevin could say anything, Percy drawled, “I admit that geography is not my strong suit, but I do believe we are a bit more decidedly north than west.”

“I mean, uh, maybe.” Kevin tried to get his bearings. The fuzzies had brought him here, so there had to be a reason even if it was technically in the wrong direction.

“Did my little angel get lost?”

“I don’t think it counts as lost if you don’t know where you’re going to begin with.” Kevin snorted, slowing down to twenty-five as they entered the city limits. He scanned the streets and buildings, looking for anything that might be familiar. “Wait! There!”

There was a brick building ahead with a big sign that said Corby’s Irish Pub.

“I know this place!” Kevin said excitedly. “I used to come here after I played football with my friends.”

“There?” Percy scrunched his brow. “Are you sure? Wow. That was quite a drive considering you thought you went to high school inGeorgia.”

“Well… I don’t know. Maybe it was an away game.” Kevin was too pumped about recognizing something from his memory to let the very likely possibility that it wasn’t real get him down. “Not like we couldn’t use a drink either way, right?”