Page 62 of Dirty Thirty

“Do you ever get dressed up in your clown suit anymore?” Lula asked.

“No,” Nutsy said to Lula. “The fun part about being a clown is having an audience. It’s about communication.”

“Like writing stories,” I said.

“Yeah, I guess,” Nutsy said.

“I’ve read some of your stories,” I said.

“That’s impossible,” he said. “Even my mom hasn’t read my stories. I post them on my personal blog, and there are only twelve followers. It’s like a writers’ support group.”

“Is everyone in the group a writer? Even Duncan?”

“He writes poetry. How do you know about my writing? And Duncan?”

“It’s not important how I know. I stumbled on it by accident. What’s important is that Duncan needs to return to Trenton to get a new trial date. Right now, he’s considered a felon.”

“He can’t go back there. It’s too dangerous for him. I’m trying to fix things, but in the meantime, Duncan has to stay hidden.”

“Living with his brother isn’t exactly hidden.”

“It was the best I could come up with,” Nutsy said. “He needs help. His sister-in-law is a dental hygienist. I figure she’s good with medication, at least. In a couple weeks if everything goes right, Duncan should be able to travel. Then he could get betterhidden until I can straighten things out. Hell, maybe in a couple weeks, there won’t be an issue anymore.”

“Do you want to tell me the issue?”

“I can’t,” Nutsy said.

“I bet it has something to do with a clown’s oath,” Lula said. “Like the hypocritic oath doctors take. Did you take a clown’s oath?”

“No,” Nutsy said. “There’s no clown oath that I know about.”

“That’s a shame,” Lula said. “It’s one of the oldest professions and seems like there should have been an oath.”

“Maybe Duncan can reschedule his court date using FaceTime,” Nutsy said.

Lula and I looked at each other. We’d never considered FaceTime or Zoom.

“You should call Vinnie,” Lula said to me. “This here could be a game changer. Everyone would reup if they could do it on FaceTime.”

I called Vinnie and got him at the breakfast table.

“Is it possible to write a bail bond any way other than physically bringing the FTA into court or the lockup?” I asked him.

“Like what?” he asked. “Maybe when he’s in the prison ward at the medical center.”

“How about by FaceTime or Zoom?”

“In my dreams,” he said. “Where are you? Fantasyland?”

I hung up. “Great idea, but no,” I said to Nutsy and Lula. “I need to bring him back to Trenton.”

“He’s not in any shape to travel,” Nutsy said. “Give me two weeks to see if I can fix things.”

“And after two weeks?”

“If he’s in good enough shape and it’s safe, I’ll turn him over to you.”

“And if he’s not in good shape or it’s not safe?”