Page 113 of Dirty Thirty

“Really? Who’s better than Morelli and is willing to marry me? Name one person.”

“Me,” Ranger said.

His eyes held mine. Unblinking. The ultimate poker face. I didn’t have much of a poker face, but I was pretty good at recognizing a bluff.

“Okay,” I said. “When?”

“Saturday,” he said. “You and me. Vegas.”

“I can’t do Saturday. I already have to walk down the aisle in a hideous gray bridesmaid dress. How about Monday.”

“I have a full day of meetings on Monday. Wednesday might work for me.”

“Fine. As long as this Plover problem has been taken care of by then.”

He put the smoothie on the counter.

“Understood. We have an engagement. Would you like a ring? I have a safe full of Plover’s finest.”

Brain freeze. Was it possible that I actually just got engaged to Ranger? Was I happy? Confused? Terrified? Aroused? All of the above?

“A ring isn’t immediately necessary,” I said.

“I’m glad to hear that, because I have a better way to celebrate the occasion. It’s bedtime.”

Oh boy.


Bob and I had breakfast and headed down to the fifth floor. We walked past the control room and the café, and I peeked into Ranger’s office.

“Are you busy having a routine day?” I asked him.

“The day is just beginning,” he said. “I have high hopes for a disaster.”

“I thought I should check up on things before I take off for the bail bonds office. Sometimes things that seem like a good idea at night look different in the morning.”

“Like getting married.”

“Exactly! There are things you need to consider before you marry me. Like Friday night dinners with my family, living with a hamster who runs on his wheel all night long, and the risk of having your apartment firebombed.”

“Not a problem,” he said.

He wasn’t backing down. I wasn’t surprised. Backing down wasn’t in Ranger’s DNA.

“Okay, then. Good,” I said.

I wasn’t backing down either. Truth is, there was a part of me that liked the idea of marrying Ranger. Then there was another part of me that was screaming,Are you insane? Get a grip!

“I’m not riding patrol tonight,” Ranger said. “We’ll talk when you get home.”


I turned and left his office. I rushed to the elevator and stared at the floor all the way to the garage, avoiding eye contact with Ranger’s men. My heart was beating so hard in my chest that my vision was blurred.

Bob and I got into our SUV, and I carefully drove out of the garage and down the street. I stopped at the corner so I could catch my breath.

“I thought I was calling his bluff, but maybe he wasn’t bluffing,” I said to Bob. “Now what? What just happened here?”