Page 105 of Dirty Thirty

“Do you know how to make a can cannon?” I asked her.

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“How easy is it to get parts?”

“Super easy,” Connie said. “You can get a can cannon on Amazon. Thirty-nine dollars. Then you need a launcher. If you have an AR-15 lying around it works great. Or you can get an air gun from Amazon.”

Lula was listening. “You could get the whole setup from Big Dick. He sells out of the back of his van on Saturdays. He parks around the corner from the farmer’s market. If you want extra power, you could get a machine gun from him.”

So, a can cannon is easy to get, but I figured you might have to take some practice shots before you could hit a second-floor window on the first try.


I dropped Lula off at the office and drove to Rangeman. Ranger was finished with his meeting and breaking for lunch when I stepped out of the elevator on the fifth floor. We got sandwiches and drinks and took them down the hall to his office.

“I got a report back from Milos,” Ranger said. “Martin Plover and Geara are partners in the jewelry store. They’ve been partners for ten years.”

“That’s when Martin’s son, Frankie, started working for Geara.”

Ranger nodded. “This partnership is so complicated and crooked that it’s hard to tell who’s bad and who’s good. Probably no one is good. Geara is a career criminal with mob ties. Martin Plover likes his drinks but falls just short of a drunk. He quietly abuses his wife. And he likes to gamble. His son, Frankie, is a creep. Drug addict. Sex addict. Delusions of grandeur. Descriptions of himrange from charming to evil. From what I see, Geara keeps him on as his stooge.”

“I have information that backs up your Frankie findings.”

“I have Marcus in custody,” Ranger said. “I thought we should keep him on ice until we need him. We picked him up this morning and he’s very happy, living in one of my safe houses, getting fed and watching TV.”

“Better than the crack house,” I said.

“Apparently. Have you talked to Jeremy Gorden?”

“Yes. It was a Molotov cocktail launched from a can cannon. No structural damage. Connie is arranging for the restoration people to go to work.”

I finished my sandwich and looked down at Bob. He’d finished his sandwich as soon as I gave it to him.

“I’m two men short tonight, so I’ll be patrolling,” Ranger said. “Don’t be alarmed when a naked man gets into bed with you at one in the morning.”

“I always find naked men alarming,” I said.

“With good reason,” Ranger said.

“Sometimes they’re alarming in a good way.”

“Babe,” Ranger said.

I was flirting. Shame on me. I was spending too much time at Rangeman. I was finding it increasingly difficult to remember that I was in a relationship with Morelli. But that wasn’t entirely my fault since Morelli showed no signs of ever coming back from Miami.

I stood and hiked my messenger bag onto my shoulder. “Gotta go. Things to do.”

I drove to the bail bonds office and Morelli called just as I parked.

“I’m on a lunch break,” he said. “I just heard about your apartment. How bad is it? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. There’s smoke and water damage throughout. The bedroom and part of the living room are gone. No structural damage, so I should be able to get back in soon.”

“Do you know who did it?”

“I have ideas.”

“Are you working with the police?”