Page 72 of Going Rogue

“Good,” Bella said. “You can make me lunch and wash the floor.”

Connie called. “We just got an alert on Zane Walburg. He didn’t show for court this morning and Vinnie is freaked out. It’s a super-high bond.”

“The name sounds familiar.”

“He got a lot of publicity when he was arrested. He makes bombs on demand. His big seller is the retro pressure cooker bomb. Vinnie wants you to drop everything and find this guy before he seriously disappears. I have the paperwork ready for you to pick up.”

“I’m hung up until four o’clock.”

“That’s okay,” Connie said. “I’ll see you at four.”

I could hear Vinnie ranting in the background. “Four o’clock isn’t okay. What the hell is she doing? She’s supposed to be working. This guy is going to run.”

“I have to go to the office,” I said to Lula. “Can you stay with Bella?”

“Not now. Not ever,” Lula said.

“Then we’re all going to the office. Everybody out to the car.”

“What about my lunch,” Bella said.

“I might be getting a migraine,” Lula said.

I locked the door to the house and went to the car. Lula and Bella were arguing about who should get the front seat.

“Your head is too big,” Bella said to Lula. “I can’t see anything from the backseat.”

“You’re supposed to look out the side window,” Lula said.

“You sat in front last time,” Bella said.

“That’s because you were a prisoner,” Lula said. “Handcuffed prisoners always sit in the backseat. Everybody knows that.”

“I’m not handcuffed now,” Bella said. “I’m senior citizen. I deserve front seat.”

“Let her have the front seat,” I said to Lula. “You can have the front seat next time.”

“It’s because of my pink hair, isn’t it?” Lula said to me. “You don’t want me in the front because of my pink hair.”

“That’s ridiculous. You sat in the front this morning, didn’t you? Was your hair pink?”

“Nobody cares your hair is pink,” Bella said, getting into the front passenger seat. “It’s your head is too big. Now you take your big head and sit in the back.”

I drove to the office and parked, being sure to take the key with me. I dashed inside, grabbed the papers, and went back to the car. I handed the papers to Lula.

“Where are we going?” I said to Lula.

“Hamilton Township. Curly Tree Gardens. Looks like an apartment complex.”

“I’ve been there,” I said. “It’s by the pet cemetery.”

“What is this?” Bella asked. “What we doing?”

“I’m doing my job,” I said. “A man failed to appear for his court appearance, and I need to find him and bring him back to the court to get rescheduled.”

“Why? What he do?”

“He builds and sells bombs.”