Alys wouldn’t either. She had her life together. She knew what she was doing and where she was going, and she’d be an amazing mom.
I’d never dare try being a father. There were already enough Haddars running around this state, and the last thing I needed was to add to the list. It was why I’d gotten snipped when I was in my twenties—I wasn’t risking it. Considering that nearly ten years later, I still had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up, I considered that one of the better decisions I’d made in my life.
When I got back to the house, Alys and Onyx were stirring, but only enough that she gave me a heavily-lidded smile and a weak wave when I walked in.
I set the coffee and food on the table, grabbed the second Pop Tart, and dropped into a seat to enjoy my appetizer. As I was about to enjoy the last bite, Alys wandered out. She was only wearing a T-shirt and panties, and I couldn’t help but drink in an eyeful. I’d be an idiot if I didn’t notice how gorgeous and smart Alys was.
Best of both worlds.
She looked at the little bit of pastry in my hand, looked at me with raised brows, then smiled and shook her head. She continued her journey into the guest room, and a moment later, I heard the shower running.
Several minutes later, Onyx joined me, still stretching and rubbing sleep from his eyes.
I slid him the black coffee when he sat down.
He took a tentative sip before drawing out a longer swallow. “You rule.” He sat the cup down with a light thunk, then furrowed his brow. “What is that?”
I followed his gaze. “Blackberry lime soda.”
Good question. Why didn’t I buy Alys whatever her coffee flavor of the week was? Or rather, what was I supposed to tell him?
“It’s what I’m drinking these days. It’s a mood, you know?” Alys saved me from having to come up with a reply, when she emerged from the guest room wearing something she’d left here at some point in the past.
Onyx looked between us. “Is it good?”
Fuck, I hoped so.
“I like it.” Alys took the third chair at the round table, and grabbed the soda. Without hesitation, she took a long sip. “Be kind of weird for Maddox to get me something I don’t like.”
“Of course.” Onyx didn’t look convinced.
“Did you know they don’t have cherry flavor at the coffee shop?” I asked. “Who doesn’t have cherry flavor?”
Alys sipped her drink some more. Good. “Oranges.”
Onyx twisted his mouth in what I knew by now was frustration. “Fine. Keep your secrets. But if I find out either of you hid an alien invasion from me, I’m gonna be pissed.”
“I promise no aliens are invading,” Alys said. “Don’t believe me? You’re down a package of Pop Tarts, which means Maddox was not body snatched.”
“Fair point. Everybody knows body snatchers don’t eat strawberry Pop Tarts with coffee and cinnamon rolls.” Onyx still wore a look that said he didn’t like being cock blocked.
Too bad. “Right? I bet the weird fuckers eat blueberry or something. Everyone knows blueberry goes with steak dinner, not breakfast coffee.” Time to change the subject. “You two slept too late. Announcement is in five.”
Onyx glanced at the clock over the stove and grunted. “Hey, Xerxes,” he called to the nearest smart device. “Turn on Broadcast from Heck.”
There was a countdown playing. The same one they had every year. Even when that was done, the DJ stretched things out with banter. It was meant to build anticipation—and probably also account for people who would tune in late.
The first few years, I thought it was funny. Now it was more like the hard wax around a good cheese, that you had to saw through and peel away to get to the good stuff.
Then it was time. This contest was one of those rare moments when I felt like I was in my element. There was a direction, but not a restrictive one, and I got to do the most random and creative shit.
I used to think it was too bad I couldn’t do this full time, but then it would get boring.
“…if your team were a band, what would your name be?” The DJ said. “What would your cover song playlist be, and what would your album cover look like?”
Ooh, my mind was already whirring, and a glance around the table said Onyx and Alys were thinking too.