Page 94 of Fierce

Things Go From Bad...

Hope was still asleep when I woke the next morning, and asleep when I’d pulled on my running clothes, too. Knackered from her rough night, I guessed. Well, I’d let her sleep. We had a long day of flying ahead of us, and a work week ahead that I imagined wasn’t going to be completely pleasant for her.

She’d never said anything about Martine to me, I thought as I began the run through town, then took the steps that led the beach. Probably didn’t want to put me in the middle. But I suspected that Martine kept her late more often than not, and that Martine was hard on her, too. I wasn’t sure if Hope was more worried that I’d let Martine sack her, or that I wouldn’t. About not making it on her own, or not making it at all.

I needed to set her right about that, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. She’d been so insistent that she not get any special treatment, but I had the feeling that she was going to need it. I knew now how much she needed the job, and what a tough spot I’d put her into. Guilt wasn’t an emotion I indulged in, but now, I felt a stab that was surely exactly that.

I’d ring Henry, my marketing director, I decided, picking up my pace a little in the fresh wind, under scudding gray clouds that told me there’d be rain before the day ended. The hell with not interfering. I’d interfere. Hope had said she was interested in marketing, and she’d be good at it. Putting her in with Martine hadn’t been the best idea, but that had been where the vacancy was.

I kept running, and gradually, my thoughts turned to the idea that had begun to take shape yesterday. The gray of sky and sea, the white-flecked waves...gray and white. Scalloped white borders on gray shot with blue. Tweeds. The texture of woven flax. Creams and browns and seafoam green.

And then the contrast. Lingerie-look slip dresses in that same seafoam green, in the vibrant orange of Asiatic lilies, in the variegated shades of blue of the New Zealand sky and sea. In a shimmering fabric that would change color, the same way Hope’s eyes did in different lights, in different moods. And over it...leather. Hard and soft, sweet and tough. Motorcycle boots and softly distressed jackets. On those curvy Polynesian girls...yeh. So much better than on the usual skeletal runway models. The perfect launch. The perfect look.

I turned back at last not so much because it was time to think about packing up and beginning the journey back to New York, but because my fingers itched for a sketch pad. It wasn’t that I was afraid I would forget. It was that I had to get the ideas down now, because once they started coming, the flow would be unstoppable, a river nothing could dam. It was the one place I could let myself go, could allow myself to be carried away, and I couldn’t wait to start.

Well, there and with Hope. Two places, maybe. But this one was profitable. This one would lead nowhere but up. And maybe that had been my problem. That was why I’d been vulnerable in a way I never was, in a way I didn’t allow. Because there’d been that vacuum, that restlessness I always experienced just before the good ideas came. Once I got into it, I wouldn’t have time to think about her. I wouldn’t have energy to worry about her, or about whatever this was. I’d get my groove back, would slip into the familiar zone that was power and progress, would leave behind the discomfort and uncertainty of a personal relationship I had no business pursuing. I’d get back onto the footing I’d outlined with her from the start, the spot where I was secure and she could be, too, because we’d both know what the rules were. No more sitting on the couch watching movies with Karen. I’d be too busy for that. Dinner, and sex, and done.

I was nearly back to town and the inn when my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and checked for the caller, then slowed to a walk as I answered.

“Eh, Koro,” I said. “How you goin’?”

“Fine, mate.” His voice was still as strong as ever, even though it came from a man who’d turned 81 on his last birthday. “You’re out of breath.”

“I was running on the beach. And it’s, what? Five in the morning there? Everything all right?”

“No worries. Old men don’t sleep, that’s all. And I knew I’d best ring you early if I wanted to catch you. On the beach? What beach?”

“Outside San Francisco.” I climbed the wooden steps from the sand, beginning to feel the cold a bit now that I wasn’t moving fast. “Out here for a meeting, then a bit of a holiday.”

“You don’t take holidays. Who is she?”

“Maybe I’m having a break for inspiration.”

“Nah. Somebody special, eh.”

“No,” I said automatically. “Or maybe a bit.”

“I like the sound of ‘maybe a bit.’ Time you gave me some mokopuna.”

“You’ve got two from Ana alone. And going to have another as well. That’s going to have to do you.” I pulled open the back gate to the B&B’s garden, and didn’t slam it behind me, because I was in control. No matter what.

“I heard,” he said, “but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’d like to see you happy, my son. No chance you’ll be bringing her home to meet me this winter?”

Every time. Every bloody time. “No,” I said. “No. I won’t be bringing her home to meet you. That isn’t what this is, and it’s never going to be. No point in asking.”

“Just because your mum left,” he went on as if he hadn’t heard, “doesn’t mean every woman would. Not if you choose the right one. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a good woman for you, and I reckon it’s time for you to find her. You like this one enough to take a holiday at the beach with her. That’s new, and that’s good. Take another one, maybe. Take some time and see. More to life than work, eh.”

First Hope and now this? I opened the door the least bit, and look what happened. The thing I’d known would happen. I’d heard that I wasn’t enough, that what I could offer wasn’t enough. All of a sudden, it was more than I could take. I was going to say this, and then I was done. Once and for all.

“Should I tell everybody who comes to me with their hand out that there’s more to life than work, and I’ve decided to ease off, then?” I asked, taking care to keep my voice down. “How about all those people who depend on me for their paycheck? Or just two people. We’ll start with them. We could ask my mum and Ana if they’d rather I’d stayed in En Zed, that I hadn’t pushed it all these years, had left myself some of that balance so I could’ve been ‘happy,’ but I reckon I know what they’d say. I wouldn’t be paying anybody’s rent with happiness, and no worries, I’m all clear that that’s what matters most to them.”

It wasn’t getting better, saying it. It was worse, the pent-up frustration of years spilling over, and I was pacing the garden now. “And yeh,” I went on, cutting off his answer, which wasn’t like me at all, not with Koro. “I’m alone, and I’ll stay alone, because as far as I can see, I’m happier that way as well. Least I won’t be going on the piss, deciding I can’t cope with my job, that I can’t take care of all those people who depend on me, just because a woman’s left me. Just because I’m taking that as one more excuse to fail at my sorry life. So, no. I won’t be doing that. I won’t be taking another holiday with her, because I’m not looking for a woman, not the way you mean. I’ll come to visit you, but I won’t be bringing her to meet you, or bringing anybody else, either. It isn’t love, and it won’t be the next time, either. It’s sex, and that’s where it’s going to stay. She isn’t the mother of your grandchildren. She’s an arrangement I have for now for sex, and that’s all.”


Just those two syllables, and I stopped, breathed, and sighed. “Sorry,” I muttered. “But—no. No more. Tell me why you rang.”

A pause, then, “Your dad needs some help again. And before you say anything—yeh. Got my hand out now, haven’t I, and I know it isn’t fair. He wasn’t the best dad, and he still isn’t. Should know that, shouldn’t I, as he isn’t the best son, either. But he’s still my son, and he’s still your dad, and you don’t desert your dad. No matter what he’s done. Just like you haven’t deserted me.”