Page 69 of Born to Sin

“I didn’t mean you’re not intelligent,” she said. “‘Intelligent’ isn’t the same thing as ‘educated.’”

“Thank you,” he said. “As it happens, I have a Uni diploma. I’m not giving that fact away, is what you’re saying. My camouflage is working.”

“Now you’re offended,” she said. “See? I do not know how to talk to sexually attractive men. Witness Joel Leeming.”

“Joel Leeming is a sexually attractive man? I wasn’t offended before.NowI’m offended.”

“Well, no. Not once I got to know him. Just that I unfortunately seem to be more attracted to confident men with big hands who seem like they … like they know how to handle things. Trucks, and tools, and lifting furniture, and … and so forth.”

“And women,” he guessed.

“Well, yes. Except that unfortunately, sometimes their idea of ‘handling’ is to go on and do what they want, which is usually pretty … pretty …”


“Vanilla?No. I don’t know anything about that. Or, yes. I meant, pretty basic, kissing and intercourse and fondling her breasts and so forth, and they assume it’ll work for her, too. Which it does for some women. Twenty-five percent of women can reach orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone. A lot of men don’t realize it’s only twenty-five percent, though.”

“Assume I know that,” he said, still wanting to laugh, “and that it doesn’t bother me, because I enjoy getting the other seventy-five percent of them there, too. Quick and hard and dirty can be fun, yeah, if you do it right. Mostly a matter of working her up beforehand. Slow works, too.”

“Oh,” she said. “Well, good to know. Theoretically. Wait, though. If it’s quick, how do you work her up beforehand?”

“Well, you see, that’s where the dirty talk comes in. Telling her what you’re going to do all through the day, a bit at a time. Knowing her fantasy, and telling her you’ll be doing it to her. Like that. Also, this is an odd conversation. A bit like a job interview. A hot one, but still.”

“Sorry,” she said. “I told you that I wasn’t good at this. I suppose I have to figure out how to sort for ‘strong’ and exclude ‘selfish.’ It’s not that easy.”

“I could tell you itisthat easy,” he said, “but I reckon it’s more of a ‘show’ thing than a ‘tell’ thing.”

“And you don’t want to do it anymore anyway,” she said. “So never mind.”

She stood up, and he took her hand and pulled her back down. Was that consensual? He wasn’t going to worry about it. If she hated it, she could stand up again. “No,” he said. “You don’t get to walk away without fighting it out. And why wouldn’t I want to do it anymore?”

“Because you’re annoyed with me?” she suggested. “Furious at me? Irritated with me? Frustrated? Pick one.”

“I’ll pick a few,” he said. “If you think that doesn’t make me want to do it more, I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Oh,” she said. “A power struggle.”

“Well, yeah. A power struggle would work for me right now.” He could see it as if it were happening right in front of him. The triumph of watching a woman finally surrender to her pleasure, the feel of her thighs in your hands and her hands pulling your hair, the knowledge that you’d driven all thought from her mind, and the only thing she could do was lie back and feel it?

Yeah, that was it. Probably best to keep it to himself. “So as we’ve established that I’d enjoy the hell out of a power struggle with you—and as we’re being upfront, that I’d win—what’s the problem?”

“Geez, you’re arrogant,” she said.

He laughed. “Well, yeah. Probably. What’s the problem?”

“You do not want to have sex with me.”

He blinked. “I don’t? Why not?”

“Because I’m notgoodat it! Believe me, I have testimonials. I’m too demanding. I’m not … I’m never sure what’s OK to suggest. I mean, if it’s … if it’s more submissive, which obviously he’ll like, but whether I can trust him with that. If it’snotmore submissive, Iknowit’s not OK to do it. You’d think a man wouldwantyou to take the initiative on oral sex, or whatever! Or not to be in control every minute and let a woman— Anyway.” She took a gulp of wine. “Clearly not. You just said you had to win the power struggle.”

“And let a woman what?” He wanted to laugh, but he was also, regrettably, getting hot again. “Tie him up? Use the whip? What is it that’s so off-putting?”

She stared at him. “What? No. Of course not.”

“Then what?”

“Excuse me,” she said, “I’m trying totellyou.”