Page 108 of The Savage

Chief is far more confident through text than in person. Sabrina is smart to compliment his strengths—it’s what I would do. In fact, itiswhat I do when I’m trying to build him up.

“Not in person, though,” Chief sighs.

Sabrina says, “Let them meet the best you first. Here, show me your matches.”

Chief shows her the only girl who’s swiped right on him: a nervous-looking blonde whose profile pic is mostly the giant black cat sitting on her lap.

“Okay, so look through her pics,” Sabrina says. “What do you think she wants you to notice in this picture?”

She points to an image where the blonde girl is standing under a tree in Gorky park, wearing a red summer dress with buttons down the front.

“She looks … pretty,” Chief says.

“That’s good,” Sabrina encourages. “But let’s compliment more than her looks—let’s compliment her taste. Something like,I bet when girls think they want to wear a pretty red dress, this is what they picture in their heads.You’re telling her that she’s stylish and iconic. That she created a moment. That other girls would admire her if they saw this pic.”

“Alright …” Chief says, typing out the message.

Andrei watches with interest.

Chief hits send.

“Let me know if she replies,” Sabrina says.

“You ready to go?” I ask her.

“Wait!” Andrei cries. “What about my profile?”

Sabrina laughs. “I’m gonna need a lot more time to fix yours. I’ll do it when we get back.”

“You should be charging for your services,” I tell Sabrina as we climb in the car.

“They can’t afford me,” she says airily.

“I see the effort you’re making,” I lay my hand on her thigh. “And I appreciate it.”

“Yeah, we’re getting on alright. Even Jasper has his good points. I mean, not his personality, or behavior, or mood … but something.”

I try not to let her see me smile.

“He’s punctual, you can say that for him,” Sabrina says, as if it pains her to admit even that.

“He’s a lot more than punctual.”

“Sure—he also makes the best coffee.”

I pretend to be hurt. “I thought you said I made the best coffee?”

“Well, you had just made me cum three times when I said that.”

“Four times, actually.”

“I’m glad one of us keeps track.”

We’re driving into the Presnensky District, where the Markovs have the majority of their hotels and restaurants. The Markovs control their territory with an iron fist, because the majority of their income comes fromkrysha.Those who pay for protection expect business to run smoothly. In a sense, the Markovs are both landlord and security force. They’re cautious about what product gets trafficked on their streets and in their properties.

Because this is the first of hopefully many such transactions, I’m doing the deal in person. Neve Markov will be representing her family. We’re meeting at the Aurora hotel on the bend of the Moskva, close to Krasnaya Park.

I’ve dressed a little nicer than normal, in slacks and a black wool coat.